Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sooooo tired

What do you do when you are tired AND hungry? sleep eat.

Just a few more of the winter fun around here. Didn't get any of Hayley. She was a wee bit cranky today after a big sleepover.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Hayley's concert

Pretty self explainatory. Hayley's concert. So sweet. The little guy with the glasses is Dawson, her good friend. They ride the bus together, she chases him at recess....Hayley is going to be interesting. She makes friends with the boys much easier than with girls. She's a flirt. At piano lessons she giggles at everything this one boy says and so he purposly does stupid stuff to make her laugh. We have a true blond on our hands. Anyhow, she also read a little poem and did very well. I didn't get a good picture of it since I dropped my camera at Kananaskis this year. Broke the zoom and sometimes it just doesn't want to take pictures. Mom C.....sound familiar??

Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas is upon us.....

...and with that come the joyous Christmas concerts for the little ones. More pictures and a little video at the end of blog. This one was on Sunday so I guess we shouldn't have gone but we did since there is no gospel meeting. Hayley has a Christmas piano recital and Abby has a preschool Christmas dinner on the same evening, so to make it fair we are going to neither. We are going to go to the teddybear toss hockey game instead. When the oilkings score the first goal everyone throws teddy bears on the ice and it goes to Santa's anonymous. We going with 3 other families. Glen and Jess will be there too but they got free tickets from Glens work so we won't get to sit together.

I guess the tupperware drawer is more fun than the bucket of toys in the living room and the full basement full of toys. Maybe I should dump all the toys in these bottom two drawers?

Chelsea LOVES ceasar salad. Worries me a bit that she'll choke on the lettuce, but it's one way to get greens in her. This is Kylie's bowl she stole. Her pieces are much smaller.

Chelsea also loves being able to eat at the table with the big girls. Our table in now all filled up for supper. It's great! She doesn't even try to escape.

Abby and Kylie just finished and both passed swimming lessons. Only had my camera there for Kylies lessons. She did so great. She's much more risky and adventurous than the other girls.

Chelsea is FINALLY!!!!!! getting used to other people a little bit. She walked around Clymont hall by herself even though there was a crowd and she sat on santas knee with no fuss. I think it might have something to do with the donut in her hand?!

Our shy sweet princess who is either biting her lip or crossing her arms like this :) She's the strong silent type. Until she's angry. Then....WATCH OUT!

Here's our gorgeous oldest. She's the boss of the tribe. A bit munipulative and sneaky about it too. I think she's going to be a real beauty. Watch out boys!!!! In fact, at the Christmas concert she was chasing her friend Dawson all over. Poor boy.

Here's Kylie. Love that crinkle nose smile of hers. It says "I'm trouble but I love life!" She loves everything and everyone and isn't afraid of anything or anyone either. Kylie will have the first broken bone of the 4. Kylie asked santa for a TV!!?????

And I will leave you with a precious little song. The other video is of Kylie and Abby making fun of me as I was singing "Happy holidays......happy holidays....happy holiday Toooooo youuuuu!"

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Stephen Scott

Hey there handsome!!!

Steve with his old baby. The van. I think he is getting past his loss though now that he has a truck with heated seats.

Steve's current job. Building an ATB financial. We had a laugh over the fact he just grabbed the first tool he saw lying around and posed for the picture on the left. He's not actually doing anything!!! The guy he's with below is one of the guys in the office. A project manager I believe.

The handsome model.

So a lady came by Steve's work to take pictures for their updated website. Doesn't he look good???? I think he looks so handsome. He has a meeting in Jasper in 6 weeks and the kids and I even get to come along!!! I'm so excited! The guys will be in a meeting all day on Friday, but I can just wander around town with the girls if the weather is nice or we can hang out in the pool. Then Saturday and Sunday are ours to do whatever we want. Will have to find out if there is a meeting there.
I am having the first stay at home day I've had for more than a month and it feels sooooooo good. I am cleaning the house (it was terrible!!!!), doing a little Christmas baking, swimming, piano, preschool.....BLISS!!

Kylie and Abby have been getting along so well lately. I love it. There is something to be said for having your kids close together. The giggle all day long. Right now they are reading comics and Chelsea is sleeping so it is blessedly peaceful.

Will leave you with a few pictures and then I better go do some dishes and vacuum.

This was the best picture I could get before specials. Hayley's hair is wonky, Chelsea is about to cry, Abby is leaving the seat, and Kylie's doing her squinty eye thing. Oh well.

Abby and Kylie with a major case of giggles.

My little butterfly after her bath. When I sit to take her picture she runs at me full force so it's hard to get a picture.