Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Another fieldtrip

We had another fieldtrip with Abby today. It has been a looonnngggg day. Glad that summer holidays are almost here. I am totally worn out. Or maybe just plain old lazy....:) We went to a farm. Abby has now decided we need all these animals and our very own farm. Her favorite was the sheep. IT was FREEZING and MUDDY but the kids didn't seem to mind.

"Protect me Abby"

Have you ever seen a purple chicken?

or a pink or green one? Now you have :)

Chelsea is finally where she belongs. :)

feeding the goats

Abby and her newborn chick

Chelsea trying to kill the chick :)


baby goats

walking the alpaca

Tomorrow is to the dentist with Chelsea, the doctor with Kylie, and kindergarten open house with Abby and Ashley right before we run off to meeting. Wondering how Kylie will do. She's back to wetting her pants and saying it hurts to pee.....after 20 days of antibiotics!!!!! ARGH!!! I'm worried she'll be admitted for IV antibiotics!! Kylie, tell your bladder that you don't have time to be sick :) But we want her healthy so we do whatever we need to do.

Time to prepare the children for piano. I am learning that it takes 5 minutes per kid to get ready to get out the door. 5 kids times 5 minutes.....25 minutes and we need to be gone so guess I should get off here!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Just pictures of life lately

On Friday, Kylie had a birthday party to go to. It was an hour away so we wondered what to do for 3 hours until we were to meet back there for supper. Turns out there is this place called Jurassic forest about 5 minutes away so we went there with the Ott family. It was really interesting. The dinosaurs moved and roared....basically just a footpath with all kinds of signs telling not only about dinosaurs but also the type of flowers and birds and insects that live in the area. The kids enjoyed it anyhow. Perfect weather!!

I'm not sure why Cheslea's flower on her dress looks like it's glowing!!! Need more practice with my camera.

Now this was intereting. Chelsea refused to step foot in the sand. When I put her in it, she freaked out that her feet were dirty so she sat and wiped them off.....

Then freaked out that her hands were dirty. She kep saying "dirty! dirty!"

Hmm......do I DARE get in this stuff???!! Florida beaches will be fun with a child who hates the sand!

Abby and Benjamin both start kindergarten this year but will be in different schools.

A picnic outside

The birthday party!

Kylie: She can never just be a princess.....

soccer pictures. I didn't get any good ones of Hayley so will have to take my camera back to the field. The kids play in 3 different corners so I spend my time running back and forth for an hour and a half!!

Well that's all. We have a very very busy week coming up. Abby has a fieldtrip, Chelsea sees the dental hygenist, Kylie has a doctor's appointment, piano, soccer......it's never ending. I'm not sure actually how I am going to time manage some of these things this week so it could be interesting. I might actually just cancel a few things to make life easier. Thank goodness Monday is a holiday. I feel like I need to get away somewhere but HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA as if that'll happen any time soon. :( Oh well. One day.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Random events in our life lately

Here's our Kylie girl. She has been so sick lately. About a month or so ago I noticed that she wasn't eating and she was sleeping A LOT! But then I figured she must be due for a growth spurt so maybe that was all it was. But then she would run these fevers and they'd come and go but then Chelsea got one so I figured she just had a bug. Then she started peeing her pants ALL the time. I was getting very angry and frustrated. Then she started getting a tummy ache and people suggested it might be an infection. Yes I'm a dumb mother. Should've known. She has a terrible bladder infection!!! Poor thing. She has 4 days left of meds and still has terrible tummy aches although she isn't peeing her pants anymore so dr. says finish the meds....she may need a stronger one though if there is any bacteria left in her urine.

This kid is so tough that I would have no clue how much it actually hurts. Well....tough pain-wise. Have a bug land anywhere near her and she'll either beat it beyond recognition or she'll scream and carry on like she's being slaughtered!!

Here is my Chelsea. She's 100% trouble. But she loves her mom so much I just gotta excuse her. She THINKS she wants to potty train but I'M not ready so she waits. She'll pull off her diaper or lift up her shirt and pull on her pants saying 'pee' or 'poo' but then I sit her on and nothing. But this is okay. I hate the potty training stage and we are waiting until after she's 2. Maybe she'll train herself. I love that she is starting to talk. Although....the other night a said "night-night time..." and she said NO! Hmmm....

Check out the rolls!!! Mommy's girl for sure....although she looks like her dad!

This is my Abs. She loves her computer games. Sigh....however she also is learning to love the outdoors so that's great! She just finished her Kindergarten readiness class and is almost done preschool :(:( I love watching her. In the kindergarten readiness class they are partnered up (teacher's choice) for center time. She is not shy at all but actually interacts when she doesn't know I'm watching. She is going to be just fine at school. Thankful we put her in preschool as she was so shy and timid at the beginning of the year. Not anymore!!!

This is studly Steve. I love him so much. He's such a good man. Big decisions coming up in his future but we'll talk about those only if they happen.

And this is my big girl!!!! I'm not sure what is going on here but hope it's not playing meeting in that outfit. This kid is obsessed with peace signs. I think maybe her real mom was a hippy??!! She fell down the stairs the other day. She screamed a horrible scream and I told her it wasn't going to get her out of cleaning her room and to get right back upstairs. Well for the next 3 hours she wouldn't walk on it. I tried to make her.....she wouldn't. So finally I looked at it and it had this extra lump on it and ended up quite swollen. Took her to emerg. The doctor was soooo nasty. Told her to not be so dramatic, it was only a sprain and to get walking on it. She tried playing soccer 3 days later and did okay but now the bruising is coming out and she was teary tonight as I put her to bed saying it hurt so badly. Sigh.....oh well. It'll heal.

Okay now to me. I found out this week I am severly anemic!! I have no idea why. I went in for bloodwork to make sure my liver could handle these strong pills I am taking for my toenail fungus. Dr. called me back and told me to get on iron pills!!! I am at a 5. Low levels are about 25?? Hmm....I suppose that's maybe contributing to the fact I feel sluggish and tired. Couldn't be running after 4 kids right? :) So we'll do that. Found out today that the pills for my toes are $400 a month!!!!!!! Thank goodness for insurance. I only pay $90. Still.....I have to take them for a year. That's $1000 to have pretty toes again. ARGH!!!!

Anyhow. My sweet sweet husband bought me a lovely card for mother's day and a CAMERA!!!! A nice Nikon SLR and I am so excited to learn how to use it. Lots of pictures coming up!!

I can't believe it is almost time for preps. I can't wait for convention and it seems to come at the right time every year.

Well thanks for reading. Stop by again soon. We'll have tea. Even if it's just cyber tea time.

Love you all

Jen and family