Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Another thanksgiving has come and gone and with it another wonderful trip to Kananaskis. There is so much to be thankful for but we want to be careful not to count our blessing on just thanksgiving day but live a thankful life EVERY day.
We seem to have come about a week too late this year to really get the beauty of the fall colors but it was still gorgeous as you can see. At least it's not like 3 years ago when there was about a foot of snow on the ground!!

Yes this lake is really this color. It has something to do with the particular minerals in the lake. Its so pretty.

The first evening we got there we went and made pumpkin sun catchers. Please excuse some of these pictures. I had to shrink some of them lots to cut down the upload time, and my camera had been dropped and I thought I'd fixed it (it wouldn't take pictures at all at first) but lots of my photos came out blurry. Disappointing.

The next morning we did pumpkin carving. The activity center lost it's director last year and the restaurants changed management. VERY BIG MISTAKE on the part of the hotel. Typically they light up all the pumpkins at night and then you get free hot chocolate while you look at all the lit up pumpkins. This year....no hot chocolate....not even 1 lit up!!! I will be expressing my frustration. At the restaurant, our waiter didn't want us there and we had to ask 3 times for kids menus. He kept telling us to go to the other restaurant because they had more options for kids. Stupid thing is, the restaurants are all run by the hotel and all offer the exact same kids menu!!! Grrrr. Plus our favorite part of the holiday, the 4 course thanksgiving dinner, was moved to an adults only restaurant. Ticked me off when 95% of the people there were families with young children!

They had a little petting zoo set up one afternoon.

The weather was really pretty great the first few days and this is a fairly big playground so the kids had fun here.

We have our family picture here every year. Will be fun to put them all together one year.

The pool is another favorite place to hang out. I'm a fan of the hot tub myself and Steve loves the eucalyptus infused steam room.

Tried to get a few group photos of the kids.

This famliy one is one of the super blurry ones :(

On Sunday afternoon we went exploring. Found this neat trail at Beaver Ponds.

Like father like daughter.

It snowed on Monday but that didn't slow us down too much. Still went out for a little stroll.

Looking toward the lodge.

And that is all for this year. Unfortunately we were gone at the exact time mom and dad moved in, so hopefully I can get over there tomorrow to help them put things away or something. Meeting here and then Thursday is piano because of the missed Monday night lesson. Then on Sunday Hayley and I take off for her week at Rocky Point Academy. Still gives me a stroke to think of the cost but if it helps it will be worth it right??

Didn't hear from that job I applied for so I guess it wasn't meant to be. Thats okay. I wasn't really ready to go back anyhow. Would love it if maybe something worked out for next year.

Sounds like Steve's grammie isn't doing very well so we wait news that her journey is over and she's reached her eternal resting place.

More later....probably in a month or so. That seems to be my schedule...

Love to you all! Thanks for stopping by!