Friday, December 19, 2008

Sad announcement

Due to the economic downturn, the 25$ fee for more internet space, and the growth of the Campbell family blog, we regret to inform you that will be no longer updated, and all new posts will be directed to this address (which you already have because you are here!). We are upset at the loss of old posts, but know that they will enjoy their mandetory retirement in cyberspace.

So the other day we had a funny experience. Here. I will let you experience it for yourself. Yes the video is dark, however the point is the music.

Yes that is the 3 and 4 year old classes together singing Jingle bells. Steve says: "And you're telling me I get to sit through 15 more years of this? Yae!" Hahahaha. It is just too cute. Hayley has a wonderful teacher that she is hoping will come to kindergarten with her in the fall, but I don't think that'll happen. Hayley also asked santa if she could go outside and see his reindeer!! We don't advocate santa in this house but don't 'spose there is any harm in him. Like the toothfairy, she will see him disappear in time.

Hayley with her teacher, Miss Jill.
Not sure what's up with stiffy.

I have discovered the joy of baking lately. Saves my sanity most days. Plus it goes well with my joy of eating, so it's really a win-win situation. Today was sugar cookies. Chewy ones. The best kind. I am going to try and master mother's sweetpotate recipe for Christmas dinner. It can be classified as baking with the amount of sugar in it. YUM!

So I hope you will enjoy this site as much as the other one (or more if you thought the other one stunk!) and we will chat again later. I have 2 weeks off now so I'm VERY excited. Might even have to brave the mall on Dec.24th just for a good time.

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