Friday, February 20, 2009


It has been so long since I've written that I actually have a few things to say!

First of all, let me introduce Charlie. The newest member of the family. A boy for Steve to go fishing with when the estrogen levels get too high in the house. He is a lab/german shephard cross. Just like Missy!! For all you who knew her. Best dog in the world next to Benji (protector of Jen's domain). So Charlie is only 5 weeks old. We had planned on ol' C being an outdoor dog since he will be big and stinky. Turns out they aren't supposed to be let outdoors permanently until they have had their second set of shots. BROTHER! So he is temporarily an indoor dog. As much as I love him, I am either going to have to diaper him, or he will be booted outside soon. As if I don't have enough to deal with, he pees all over the floor and chooses the hardwood with the biggest gap to poop in!! And this process happens every 10 minutes. Literally. Thankgoodness for kids who think it's fun to clean up his messes.

To top off a busy few weeks, Hayley and Abby and I ( mine is either psychological or realistic I don't know) have come down with LICE!!! What a mess. I have about 14 loads of laundry to do since all our blankets are down filled and I can only do 1 at a time, have to wash the furniture and spray it, freeze the pillows, spray the mattresses, do the hair rinse and comb is what they look like. Appetizing isn't it?

But aside from all that, we had a spectacular time in Florida. The weather didn't cooperate too much, but it was just nice to be there and see mom and dad again. It had been 2 years since we'd been. Wish we could get there more often. Also met up with Michael and DeAnn while we were there so that was fun too. Feel jealous for the other grandmas and aunt that are going next week some time. Oh to be rich and travel all the time.

Steve is starting night shift soon. That should be interesting. I am also starting full time on March 1st babysitting. Well, not really full time I guess. I have Thursdays off and I only babysit from 9:30-4. Anyone want my hours? I feel so lucky to be able to stay home with the kids and have hours like that and make more than I would working outside the home. It's great babysitting for a teacher too as I have summers and spring break etc... off.

Well that is all I have to share. I guess this is turning into a monthly update. So look back next month for more thrilling posts from us!

1 comment:

  1. ummm.... and i suppose the washing means that steve is hauling more water... can't be fun with a dry well! i'm sooooo glad it's you and not me! i would completely FREAK!
