Friday, March 13, 2009


Don't you just love when the weather gets above 0? The kids think it's a blast! I went to Annie last night with Jess and her friend Charlene and Steve got to stay and play with some kids. It looks like they had a pile of fun outside. Here's some pictures. Plus a little video of my slightly odd child waving at an airplane. She doesn't look very 'normal' in this little clip. I guess I have 2 simple children:)

Along with spring life! Actually the new life will come mid September, but it's baking anyhow. Yes we are having the final edition of the Steve and Jen prodigy in another 27 weeks. We're pretty excited. 4 kids. Lets hope I keep sane. September will be a flurry of activities with grammie's 90th, Aussie company, Hayley starting school, new baby..... I plan on doing NOTHING but sitting in a chair with a book and an ice tea, for all of August!!

We went to the play gym today to pass some time. Made me very thankful that I can be at home to look after my own children. Who cares if it means being broke. There are some nannies there with some children and the children are beyond mean!! One boy walked up to the little car Kylie was driving around, tipped it on it's side, dumped Kylie out, and stole the car!!!! Kylie thankgoodness can defend herself, and I let her! But then Abby was in the other car, and a girl Hayley's age came and shoved her out and took it! Unbelievable. Abby just stood there in tears. I think she needs to learn JUDO! I went up to the girl who said "hey that's mine." and I said "NO! That's Abby's." She took it anyways. I would've grabbed it away from her but then thought that'd put me at her level. Abby and I just snuggled. Some people's children. Guess they can't all be perfect as mine. HAHAHahahahaha. Okay that was funny I know.

Kylie has another black eye! Well, the side of her face. We got home, she spilled her water, slipped in it, and fell head first off the chair! Oops.

okay well I don't really have anything else earth shattering to share. Hope your days are springier and the sun is brightly shining.

Love Jen

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