Thursday, August 19, 2010


Yesterday was my hubby's 29th birthday. Last year in his 20s. Poor guy. He's growing old. This year is not off to the best start for him. He bought himself a really nice gift. Cost 129$. He donated 129$ to Police Services in Edmonton. When we were coming home from the Ukrainian Cultural Village on July 24th he was apparently trying to catch up to aunty and uncle. The speeding cameras on Yellowhead were working that day. Oh dear. At least it was him and not me!!! :)

Today is an incredible smoky day!! Apparently the smoke is coming from forest fires in BC. I'd hate to see the air there!!! Visibility on the highways are nil. These pictures don't do it justice. This is the lane in front of our house and the poor sun trying to get through the smoke. I don't know how exactly they measure air quality, but a really bad air day in Edmonton is 1.5 million particles of something-or-other and today it is 90 MILLION!!!! They are warning people to stay inside as our lungs have to work 100 times harder than normal to purify the air we are breathing. I'm sure the ER is SWAMPED with asthmatics today. It's a good test for Chelsea. I don't think she has respiratory problems anymore, she seems to be breathing okay. Wish you could smell it. I actually like the smell but it does give a person a bit of a sore throat.

The sun trying to shine through the smoke

Toward our mailboxes

The other direction

Other than that we have been just plugging away at life. We aren't sure if we are going to get to go to Kananaskis this year and I will literally die inside if we don't. September is a HORRIBLY expensive month now with school expenses, preschool, swimming lessons and piano lessons. That and not knowing if Steve gets a bonus and not wanting to actually spend it before it's in the bank if he does, is creating a stay-at-home year:( Makes me very sad. There is something harsh about being housebound but even worse is a year of being city bound. Oh well.....such is life.

Here are a few pictures of our goings on. Chelsea is trying so hard to be walking but is lacking confidence. She STILL will not let anyone hold her but mom and dad and it is REALLY getting old. Someone told me in the store the other day that their granddaughter went through that until she was 3!!!!! I'm not sure what to do. I can't just hire a babysitter and leave her cuz that costs money, so that option is out. She's so good when we're home but when there are other people around she's a mess. Makes me sad. Wish the last one had been an easy one. Oh well.

Watching her sisters play outside

She can stand up all by herself in the middle of the floor now

Not confident enough to let go even though she knows she can do it.

The 3 stooges.
I see why people think they're twins now!

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