Saturday, February 5, 2011


Hia name is Stephen Campbell but he goes by Steve. He's approximately 5'10'', brown hair with scattered blond patches, blue eyes and different colored eyebrows! He has a wife and 4 offspring who haven't seen him in well over 2 weeks. We think someone with his likeness comes home at night to sleep, but we can't be sure because he's gone before we are up (and no we don't sleep in too much. We're usually up by 6:30). We need him home. His children miss him terribly.
Sigh....most of all we need him home because I got the van stuck in a snowdrift. AGAIN!!!
I will not complain
I will not complain
I will not complain
I will not complain
at least he has a good job
at least he has a good job
at least he has a good job
at least he has a good job
okay thats it.....we're moving to Australia. I need my spouse back.


  1.'re moving to Australia??? You can't do that. How about to Florida??? :-) Good things come to those who wait....:-) Loves you all....

  2. Haven't seen him around but I hear that he is in contact with his older brother via that thing that is attached to his hip!! :-) He could loacte him for you and contact the local authorites to aid in their search.

  3. You mean that thing works???

    Florida would be fine too. Somewhere hot. I think early retirement is in order.
