Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Today is my husband's anniversary. No not OUR marriage. His other one. The work one. He has been at his job for 10 years now!!! Can you believe it??? He got a Ball watch from his boss to commemorate the occasion. So now, Steve should always be 'on the ball' hahahahahahaha. Funny enough, that is where the expression came from.

For you history buffs:

From Wikipedia - In 1891 there was a collision between Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway trains at Kipton, Ohio, which occurred because an engineer's watch had stopped. The railroad officials commissioned Webb C. Ball as their Chief Time Inspector, in order to establish precision standards and a reliable timepiece inspection system for railroad chronometers.

So....to be 'on the ball' would be to be on accurate Ball time.

The last 10 years have flown and the company have grown exponentially. Will be interesting to see where the next 10 take him.

What else to share.....my friend Charlene and I joined curves for two months. We got a groupon. We figured instead of eating out on our Monday nights out we would excersize instead. We shall see if we see any results from it. Its a fun night out anyhow.

This country is the perfect example of why global warming is a spoof!!! -35, -34, -32.....these are the temps we are seeing BEFORE the windchill. So it's more like -45, -44, -42....I am starting to get cranky. Plus, I think the city of Edmonton has misplaced it's sanding trucks. I was out last night, and could almost see my reflection in the street, and didn't see 1 single sanding truck! Anyhow, I live here and it's always cold in the winter so I will jsut deal with it.

Interesting question this week. Why is everyone I meet, including strangers, telling me they hope I'm done having kids?? Are my kids that bad? That ugly? Who cares if I want more? That's noone elses business is it? Plus....makes me want to have 3 more to spite them (even though we are DONE for those wondering.) Just found it odd (extremely irritating) that this week I've had so many people make weird comments like that to me. May I share the verse in psalms:

Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.
As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.
Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: etc.....

My children make me happy. If I want to be extra happy....I will be :):) Plus....remember now people.....I am still in my youth. For another 10 months anyhow.....

Our house appraisal went through. WOOHOO!!! So that's a relief. Now we can renew our mortgage on the house and know that even if one day we sell we will still make money on it. I can't tell you how excited we are that our monthly payment is actually dropping!!!!

Okay so my life is busy but really uneventful so I will let you go back to doing something interesting. Wish I had pictures to show you but I haven't taken any for several months. Guess I better get back on that.

Love Steve, Jen, and their litter of little people

1 comment:

  1. Maybe I am the first one to read your blog entry!! Most people who make comments like you mentioned have one or two kids that they think are perfect or else they have none!! I don't remember anyone ever commenting about how many kids we had- I just know that amongst my work collegues there wasn't anyone who had four kids!! So maybe that is why people are commenting- it just isn't the done thing anymore. We are HAPPY that you have 4 beautiful little girls. I like the expression 'I need to have duck's feathers' A duck never lets any water sink in- it all just runs off- so that is what you need to do when you hear disturbing comments!! CONGRATULATIONS Steve- where have the years gone??? Luv MUM&DAD
