Saturday, September 24, 2011


When we woke up Friday morning the sky was this beautiful pink color. Looked kind of surreal so I took a picture.

Preparing for my l'il cupcake's 2nd birthday.

Add Video Got the table all set...

and then the company showed up :)

Not sure what the deal is with serious face there.

The kids table...

Chelsea is ready for cake!!

Hmmm...I think she likes being the center of attention.

Daddy showed her how to blow out the candle and then she did it all by herself.

Present time. Big sister Kylie can hardly refrain from opening the gifts for her.

Finally Kylie got to help her get the card out.

pull-string piniata time.


And that was that. They all had so much fun they were sound asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow. So then Steve and I got some quiet time around the fire. It was a lovely evening and thanks to all who came and made her day special.

Check out the video at the end. She even learned how to say happy birthday!! She is really starting to say lots. I LOVE the learn-to-talk age. Listen close. It's hard to hear with Abby annoying her.

So today I went to the dentist and when I got home my house was clean!! Steve said "I knew you wanted to come home and just read your book and you wouldn't if the house was a mess so I cleaned up." Awww. Yes ladies I have the greatest husband ever!! Now he is having a nap because he has to go to RedDeer (1.5 hours away) to pick up the girls Christmas present. Yes I know it's early but when you find deals on Kijiji you have to snag them. Although how to hide it..hmmm.

We also went to costco this morning because they had a super cheap tub!!! So now I have a tub in the garage, a vanity in my bedroom, perhaps next year we will get some tile, the year after that fixtures, and maybe in 3 years time I will have a renovated bathroom!!

Okay well enjoy.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

My little Athlete

I am ashamed to admit that I have judged before I have witnessed. When you watch my daughter run, you would think she is trying to ice skate. Her feet go way out and I about die laughing. I know....terrible mother. So when she joined the cross-country team last year we didn't sign up for any races. This year I thought...whatever. We'll do 3 of the 5 and if she comes in last every be it. So today was her first race. Rough terrain too!! But she did AMAZING!!!! She was all red and sweaty and about hyperventilating, but she came in right with the majority of her age group and she loved it! Good for you Hayley!!!! It was 800m. Next year I think she has to run the full km.

Here is her before the race. We had to walk a few km's in to her start point so she was tired already. Oh to a good start.

But she was so proud of herself in the end. And so she should be!! WOOO HOOOO.
So my camera focused on a big fat man that I cut out of the picture but there she comes in her red vest.

About ready to drop. Anyhow, this is all of parkland county. I would say there is about 50 in her age group and she was about 24th so not too shabby at all. So many of them came in all at once that they had to line up so they could record who was in what place. This mom thinks there was probably some ties :)

Okay well next post......CHELSEA'S BIRTHDAY PARTY!! My husband is upstairs filling up baloons and sucking on helium so I better go stop him ;)

Love Jen

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Kylie goes to School

Abby drew this for us on her first day of school. I love it so it went in the 'school treasures' box.

Here is my big Kylie bear. Doesn't she look grown up?? Wow. She is so pretty. I guess that's 'cuz we named her Kylie. Her name is Australian for 'pretty'. She has recently gone threw ANOTHER big growth spurt and is now a half inch or more taller than Abby. Hmm....oh well. She will love her height since she is a solid built girl. She was amazing going to school. I think she is probably very reserved but yet very chatty when it's structured time. I see Hayley-style report cards in her future. "Kylie needs to learn when it's appropriate to socialize!" They have a new teacher and I think she's really good. I agreed to be the treasurer this year. What a stupid idea on my part. It's a lot more involved than I thought. Bill paying, record keeping, check cashing....sounds easy if you like that kind of thing. I don't!! I have enough budgeting and bill paying to do on a personal level. Oh year. I can do it for these next 8 months.

Here is our front yard. Well what used to be somewhat of a front yard. This year we finally got eavestrough so we decided to put a front porch there under the living room window (the dark area. About 10 feet by 7 feet) and then put in a new front step and sidewalk....oops. There goes the hubby's bonus. It will be all concrete with an aluminum white fencing around the patio. No paniting for me. I also got a couple chairs to put out there. Can't wait to sit out there with my tea. Might have to wait until spring though. It's a little chilly. Come join us!!

Hayley babysat

Chelsea watched the guys work

Check out my new chair. Have 2 of them so please do come sit and visit with me this next summer.

And here is my oldest child at the hospital for her sleep study. Steve sent me an email with the subject "RUN! She's gonna blow!" Heehee. I thought it was funny. She looks exhausted. Hope she snores for them like she does for us. The walls will rattle!! Hope Steve gets some sleep too. I opted to stay home so I could get Abby off to school in the morning. First time taking the bus by herself. I'm sure she'll do fine. Although recess could be interesting. She still relies on Hayley to play with. Be good for her.

Well I am going to bed. I can't seem to get enough sleep these days. I've just been so tired. I think I need to start up the iron again. Hope you are all having a fantastic fall.

Love Jen and her fantasticly awesome husband and wonderfully sweet babies.

ps. Stayed tuned for a CUPCAKE-A-LICIOUS 2nd BIRTHDAY update. You are all invited. It will be held at our residence on the 23rd of September. My little baby's real birthday is the 17th!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Skool dayz

So yesterday I had to sent my firstborn off to grade 2, and today I released my second child into school's evil clutches. *sniff sniff* I did very very well until the end of our 'put your supplies away scavenger hunt.' It said:

#8. Mary had a little lamb who followed her to school. Put your scissors in the house YOU are ready for school.

Your work here, mom/dad, is done and now it's time for your child to have some fun. Time to say goodbye.

Now THAT was a wake up call. I don't want my work to be done. I want Abby to come home and entertain Kylie who apparently doesn't like to play on her own (we had a looonnngggg day). But Abby was still smiling so I left her doing puzzels.

We started our day with some ABC pancakes

Got lunches packed, hair done, and backpacks ready to go.

Hayley is going to be great at looking after Abby. She has a big sister independence that Abby doesn't quite have yet but I'm sure she will when it's time for Kylie to go to school (is that next year already??!!!!)

The mist hanging in the air this morning. It was FREEZING this morning. Literally. It was -1 and Abby insisted on leaving a half hour before the bus was to come.

Hayley before Grade 2

Abby on her first day of school

The helpful big sister showing her the ropes.

Running to the bus stop.

And there she goes :(

Taken on my iphone so not real clear. This is Abby in her new classroom.

So now that Kylie has been asking when Abby is coming home for the last 5 hours, I guess we will get Chelsea up from her nap and think about heading to the neighbor's house and waiting for the bus. I wish now even more that Abby and Kylie went to school on the same day. I am going to go absolutely nuts this year just to warn you. November might not be so bad running to swimming every day. At least we will get Kylie out of the house. Might have to try some library programs or something in the new year too.

Happy skool dayz everyone.

Love Jen