Saturday, September 24, 2011


When we woke up Friday morning the sky was this beautiful pink color. Looked kind of surreal so I took a picture.

Preparing for my l'il cupcake's 2nd birthday.

Add Video Got the table all set...

and then the company showed up :)

Not sure what the deal is with serious face there.

The kids table...

Chelsea is ready for cake!!

Hmmm...I think she likes being the center of attention.

Daddy showed her how to blow out the candle and then she did it all by herself.

Present time. Big sister Kylie can hardly refrain from opening the gifts for her.

Finally Kylie got to help her get the card out.

pull-string piniata time.


And that was that. They all had so much fun they were sound asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow. So then Steve and I got some quiet time around the fire. It was a lovely evening and thanks to all who came and made her day special.

Check out the video at the end. She even learned how to say happy birthday!! She is really starting to say lots. I LOVE the learn-to-talk age. Listen close. It's hard to hear with Abby annoying her.

So today I went to the dentist and when I got home my house was clean!! Steve said "I knew you wanted to come home and just read your book and you wouldn't if the house was a mess so I cleaned up." Awww. Yes ladies I have the greatest husband ever!! Now he is having a nap because he has to go to RedDeer (1.5 hours away) to pick up the girls Christmas present. Yes I know it's early but when you find deals on Kijiji you have to snag them. Although how to hide it..hmmm.

We also went to costco this morning because they had a super cheap tub!!! So now I have a tub in the garage, a vanity in my bedroom, perhaps next year we will get some tile, the year after that fixtures, and maybe in 3 years time I will have a renovated bathroom!!

Okay well enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Uncle G is quite sad to have missed this glorious event! Thanks for the fun and the sugar rush.
