Monday, November 28, 2011

Busy days still....

Just some pictures of the skating party we went to a few weeks ago. Chelsea's first time on skates. She did great. Can't stand on her own yet, but enjoyed it anyhow.

First of all, Rebecca Watkins, I can't seem to post on your blog :( and I don't have an email address. Can you please send me one when you have a moment? Thanks!!! Enjoy hunting season! My hubby is off to Saskatchewan for 3 days in search of his trophy! I honestly hope he has a great time but the timing is kinda terrible! Hayley has an appointment with an ENT on Wednesday at 7:45 in the morning. Takes me about an hour to get in and parked and into the children's hospital so how on earth am I going to get 4 kids out the door at 6:45 and have 2 ready for school and 1 ready for swimming lessons??!! YIKES!!! Will have to dig out the supermom cape I guess. I am assuming her sleep study was normal and now we talk about whether or not to remove tonsils and adenoids to stop her snoring. Hmmm... not real game to put her through that but we'll see.

So we had an absolutely WONDERFUL weekend. We had the privilage of having Steve's cousin Rob Petersen, who has been laboring in Ecuador, with us for 3 nights!!! and then Specials on Sunday. We are so spoiled. It's like having a little piece of heaven in your home when the workers come to stay. He's great with the kids. They loved him.

Well I have to go get Hayley in an hour to take her to the dentist so I better get off here. Have a wonderful day.

Love Jen.


  1. Hey Jen!! Loved the personal message in your blog!! hahaha my e-mail, someone else told me they were having trouble commenting on my blog also??? Don't know why??

  2. We will be interested to hear how Hayley gets on with the Specialist. You need to have a nanny for a week- wish I could fly over and fill the bill!! Luv MUM
