Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas concerts....

So Christmas concerts are always exciting aren't they? Well except for the kid who started puking all over the stage. The dad runs up to grab him and as he's bolting for the door the kid barfs all down his dad's crisp white dress shirt and the audience all goes "oohhhhh" Hahahaha. IT'll be funny for the poor little guy when he has kids of his own. He can say "Hey in your dad's first concert he was the star of the show!"

So today I finally lost my Christmas spirit. All I have done is bake for different functions. I have been to 2 different concerts, tomorrow is another one, and Monday is another one and I am SO SICK OF PARTIES!!!! I just can't wait until holidays. I think my big girl is tired too. She fell asleep in the chair today after school and she never does that. Then she started crying at bed time that nobody will play with her at recess. I think a good sleep is needed.

Tuesday is Kylie's eyelid surgery. We were watching a youtube video on the procedure (blepharoplasty) and it was a little too graphic. Kylie says "Well that's not what they are doing to me. They're doing a different one." HA! Well Kylie.... I didn't get to watch the whole thing because I thought it was too graphic for her but it was pretty interesting.

Another stressful job is trying to organize my hubby's company's shareholders meeting in Banff. The guy who was supposed to do it is super busy at the Men's prison and he isn't allowed to bring his phone in so it's kinda hard to organize something during the day so I got the job. I think it's good to go I just hope the hotel is nice because I've never been there!!!

Okay I know it's only 8:30 but I have to go have a bath and get to bed. I'm beat.

Hayley - she's right under the tree

Abby - second row, second from the left. This boy kept pushing her and standing in front of her so it was kinda hard to get a good picture. I was way in the back too so my pics are all blurry. Oh well. Hayley had a reading part. It was great! She was so nice and clear!

Hayley's class song

Abby's song. You can see the dad at the end run up to get the vomiting child. The other kindergarteners did sooooooo good. The piano player kept going and the kids kept on singing while other parents cleaned up.

My little girl is learning some hymns we like to play together.

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