Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A New Era

I guess it was inevitable...they all have to grow up sometime. *sniff sniff* Chelsea is now completely out of diapers. Well....we still put one on at night even though she wakes up dry because I don't have a plastic sheet yet for any night time oopsies. So my diaper bill has dropped drastically which is a bonus. The sad part is I have no babies anymore :( So that's whats up in her little life. She is just like having another Abby all over again. She could sit downstairs and play with the doll house forever talking to herself telling all kinds of stories. Mostly she takes her babies potty.

Abby reached a new stage in her little life too. She lost a tooth! It was hanging by a thread and she refused to let her dad rip it out. Finally one day she said "Okay dad. I'm ready. You can pull it out!" So out it came. This is our intellectual kid who helps her Gr.2 sister with her spelling. She's doing very well in school and if you can drag her kicking and screaming out of bed, she really does enjoy going and has really broken out of her shell.

Hayley is doing great in school too! It took a few months but we finally adapted some things with her teacher and she has gone from getting 10% to getting 100% on her spelling tests! I think the new confidence she has now will help her do better. She is composing music in piano right now and wrote and really cool song. Will post it when she has finished adding the left hand.

Kylie is our little snuggle bum. Going through an "I need my mom all the time" stage. She had a meltdown when I left to go to Zumba the other night. Her dad was home, and I'm only gone for an hour and a half tops! I had to peel her off me and sneak out the door. I'm terrified for the day she starts kindergarten. Thank goodness we put her in preschool. I've always taken the girls on their first day but I think Steve might have to take over this time.

Steve is still working hard. Having some stressful days I think. They are extremely busy which is a good thing financially but can be hard on the guys. It'll pay off in the long run I'm sure. Steve got a new truck the other day. He's back to using a company truck which is nice for us. It's a nice truck too. Apparently though we are now totally a Dodge family! I find it humerous as we love our Dodge van, but Steve said he'd never buy a Dodge truck! Ha! Never say never. So now we are selling the truck he bought a few months ago.

As for me, I am just the same. I started a Zumba class with 3 other ladies and I love it! Time goes so fast and even though I am clumsy and uncoordinated, I just stand at the back and pretend I know what I'm doing. I have a large rear end which makes it easy to shake it! Hahahahaha. I will MAYBE post a video if I feel brave one day. I need another class to learn the moves. If you don't know what Zumba is, youtube it. It is latin based and it make you SWEAT!! You are moving the whole hour and yet it goes so fast.

Okay well now that I have totally bored you, I will leave you to get on with your day. I have printed my last 2 years blogs in books, so even though this may be boring to you, it is a picture diary for our family to see what we were up to in years past since I keep up on printing pictures of the girls for their photo albums but I'm not so good at printing pictures of Steve and I or other random things. If you are interesting in doing the same, check out blogger books on google.

Love to all,


1 comment:

  1. Awwww....no more babies!!! Thanks for the updates on the girls. Missing them so much! Hugs and Love, Mom T
