Monday, February 27, 2012

Flurries and the Flu

This week has been a doozy! Friday night/Saturday we got over a foot of snow in one big dump! Had to take 'dad's monster truck' to meeting on Sunday or we wouldn't have got out of the subdivision. The kids have enjoyed it. It's been cold but not too terrible. The flu hit this house too. I can't complain though....I think it's been over a year since we've had the stomach flu. Kylie was so big about it. She walked into our room, puked all over our bed (that was really sweet of her) and then just laid down beside the bed with her bucket. No tears or complaining. Chelsea is coughing up a lung too so we're happy just to stay home by the fire for a few days.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

A pictoral Update

I got to go on a date with my hubby the other night. It was so much fun. We played dress up the Steve doll. Isn't he handsome?

We had a wonderful time with our dear sister workers. This is Carmine skating with the girls.

Chelsea doesn't want the red support thing anymore. This hockey stick will do.

Marion reading to the girls.

I love this picture because it looks like big Steve holding a mini Steve.

And.....SOLD! To the highest bidder. The trick to kijiji is paying the little bit of money to get it on the top ads. Then you suddenly get an influx of people looking at your ad and it sells less than a week later. We got about $250 less then we said we'd take but at least its gone! (as of Thursday)

Family day tomorrow. Have a WONDERFUL day with your family.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Warning: Just needed to vent.

I need a holiday somewhere really hot where I can soak up some real vitamine D. I'm feeling blue. My children and I have been trapped in the house for too long with no spouse/dad around, I've been cleaning the house and doing laundry for a was clean for meeting and then my disrespectful children destroyed it in no time we have the workers coming (this is the good part) and I get to start cleaning all over again. Then Chelsea shot me in the face with a nerf gun and I lost it!!! So Steve took the kids and ran. Hope he brings home food. I'm hungry. Don't you wish you were here?

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Telus World of Science...

Today was quite an experience. We decided to go get a membership to the science center so we could go play whenever we wanted. Invited aunty Jess and kids and a few friends and their kids. It was soooo busy. I thought it'd be good since it was just the surrounding area schools that had the day off, but apparently Edmonton schools planned the day out too. Anyhow, the kids still enjoyed it. Stayed for about 4 hours. We started in the IMAX with the showing of rescue. I thought it was interesting. Some of the kids thought it was great and others thought it was scary. I should have known, being that we can't even get in the CAR WASH line up without Chelsea having a meltdown, that the IMAX would not be for her. So we had to stand in the stairwell where she couldn't see anything or she'd scream. Little brat. Thankgoodness she fell asleep half way through and I could sit down!

Our little computer geek :) This is a new area. Really neat kids area. The airplane area was the biggest hit.

Flying the plane.

Chelsea dreaming of going somewhere warm

Abby chatting up the security guy :)

Kylie putting luggage through the scanner.

Chelsea drying her hands after getting drenched in the water area.

So then we tried to go in to the star theater to learn about stars etc... yeah we didn't even make it to the doors and she had a fit!!! So we sat outside and waiting for everyone else to enjoy the show.

Overall it was a pretty good day. Tired the kids out good. Now we can go any time for free and pay half price on the IMAX shows so I think we will get some use out of the membership. It includes 2 adults and 4 kids which is unusual but perfect for us!!

Also got my gorgeous watch from Jess. Will have to take a picture and post it. Time for tea and supper. I'm ready for bed but guess I will wait until Steve is home and head out to the grocery store. UGH!

Steve's been rubbing shoulders with the high faluten (sp?? haha) people of our city with a little party last night and a luncheon function today.....oh to have the life of a working man. Hahaha. No...wouldn't trade him places.

Have a spectacular day.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


I'm sorry mom C, still no pictures of me. Some day. But I can share a part of me with you...

Just have to share cuz this is so exciting to me (my husband gets soooo sick of my house designing) HA!:

I have spent probably 5 years searching for the perfect house plan and designing my own....I have finally found my dream house. Ahhhh.....some day.....maybe? Maybe not but hey it's a fun hobby. The only thing I would change is to turn the office into a large [ shaped stairwell since we want a basement.

Today was such a gorgeous day. In fact it was so gorgeous that I washed all the windows I could reach inside and out. That would be 9 windows!! My shoulder is now KILLING me. I'm hoping I do NOT inherit my father, mother, and sister's shoulder issues. So far, I'm the healthy one! I'd like to keep it that way. Unfortunately when I'm as old as they are, I may fall apart. I have always been able to dislocate my shoulder but it has never hurt until today. Could simply be overworked as I also helped Steve take all the decals off his truck. What should have been an easy job, is not actually as easy as it looks! He heated them up and then we peeled them off but the adhesive remover didn't work real great so we had to scrub it and scrub it and scrub get the idea. Now it looks beautiful though and ready to sell.

We get to have our workers next week so we're excited about that. I think there may be a lot of meeting changes coming up as there has been several elders meetings lately so I'm excited to see the new list. No idea if or when it'll come out but I may just ask :)

So my kids have Thursday and Friday off. Anyone want to come entertain some kids? Steve won't even be home much as he has an open house at work Thursday night with the company who nominated them for "construction company of the year for work under 50 million." So I guess he better go. Then he is celebrated hockey day in Canada as is his tradition every year with a game of shinny during the day and supper out with the guys to watch the oilers game. I think the kids and I will go to an IMAX Thursday. Anyone want to join us? Then Friday we might go skiing. Then Saturday we are going to stay home.

Here are a couple picture for you. Chelsea having her Sunday afternoon nap, Kylie skating, and a video of Hayley teaching Chelsea to skate. She is doing soooo good now. At the beginning of the season she couldn't even stand up!

Oh and I found this hillarious statement while browsing for poems about girls to put with my girls picture....

A good answer to give those overly smug parents of children of both sexes when they express sympathy for your lack of ability to produce a son: "If the good Lord thought another man was needed in my house, He would send one."