Friday, February 10, 2012

The Telus World of Science...

Today was quite an experience. We decided to go get a membership to the science center so we could go play whenever we wanted. Invited aunty Jess and kids and a few friends and their kids. It was soooo busy. I thought it'd be good since it was just the surrounding area schools that had the day off, but apparently Edmonton schools planned the day out too. Anyhow, the kids still enjoyed it. Stayed for about 4 hours. We started in the IMAX with the showing of rescue. I thought it was interesting. Some of the kids thought it was great and others thought it was scary. I should have known, being that we can't even get in the CAR WASH line up without Chelsea having a meltdown, that the IMAX would not be for her. So we had to stand in the stairwell where she couldn't see anything or she'd scream. Little brat. Thankgoodness she fell asleep half way through and I could sit down!

Our little computer geek :) This is a new area. Really neat kids area. The airplane area was the biggest hit.

Flying the plane.

Chelsea dreaming of going somewhere warm

Abby chatting up the security guy :)

Kylie putting luggage through the scanner.

Chelsea drying her hands after getting drenched in the water area.

So then we tried to go in to the star theater to learn about stars etc... yeah we didn't even make it to the doors and she had a fit!!! So we sat outside and waiting for everyone else to enjoy the show.

Overall it was a pretty good day. Tired the kids out good. Now we can go any time for free and pay half price on the IMAX shows so I think we will get some use out of the membership. It includes 2 adults and 4 kids which is unusual but perfect for us!!

Also got my gorgeous watch from Jess. Will have to take a picture and post it. Time for tea and supper. I'm ready for bed but guess I will wait until Steve is home and head out to the grocery store. UGH!

Steve's been rubbing shoulders with the high faluten (sp?? haha) people of our city with a little party last night and a luncheon function today.....oh to have the life of a working man. Hahaha. No...wouldn't trade him places.

Have a spectacular day.

1 comment:

  1. You need a holiday to Australia!!! Plenty of Vit D here!! Although it has been a greyer than usual summer!! Steve was just like Chelsea- I remember him watching an IMAX in Edmonton when he was 5 and he had to look at the little screen up the back where it is projected from- with Ross's sweater over his head and he looked thru the head hole!! Luv Mum
