Sunday, March 11, 2012

Another weekend bites the dust

Its hard to settle the kids tonight when its bright as day outside. However, I LOVE that it stays light later. It means that spring is well and truely on its way. Everything is melting and the sun has more heat to it and the birds are chirping....ahhhhh. Steve even managed to get the trampoline set up again.

This weekend went pretty quickly! Steve took Friday off. We went skiing. Well...Chelsea and I sat on the patio in our t-shirts and watched while the others had fun. It was absolutely GORGEOUS! The thermometer said it got up to +19 but I think the weatherman claimed it was only 12 or so. It was so great that we stayed from 10-4!! Then the other Campbells came for supper (with the exception of Glen who was having more x-rays of the foot he destroyed in hockey).

Saturday Glen got called in to have his surgery and Jess went with him so the cousins got to bond again for the day. They even got to sleep over. The kids were really good. Everyone got along really well. I did learn, however, that when you are getting 7 kids ready for bed you'd best start at 5:30 with baths etc... I wonder what happened when people had 12 or 13 kids. I guess the older ones helped a lot? Huh. That's a puzzler.

Anyhow....that's all that's new at this house so I will leave you with some photos.
Hayley has her grump on for some reason

tshirt weather

Every little girl needs a rocking horse.

1 comment:

  1. Love the photos of all the kids- really good of all of them. Send me a copy attached to an email, please!! I remember Ruby Marchant telling me once about her big family(she had 11 of her oun and 6 others who were older(step children) that they used to do evening meal and bedtime in 2 shifts- the younger ones first- with the older kids helping and then the adults and older children. So it would have worked well!! Luv MUM
