Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Hey check it out! Another update less then 6 months before the last one! Maybe because I'm taking a scrabble break. Okay so it's only been 15 minutes....but hey! That's pretty good for someone as addicted as me.
So here's whats been going on in our world.
This is the laziest dog in the world! Most of the time. He's either sleeping like this....(not a real flattering pose I know)
Or he's being a big butt and dragging massive limbs out into the middle of the yard. He's a pretty amazing retriever. In my next life I'd like to have a dog like Buckley and work search and rescue. I think he's probably too old to learn now though.

Here's the kids summer job. They sort through an entire winters worth of nasty milk jugs etc...then get to keep the money when they take them in.

 Kylie.....what a kid. Decided one day she'd pull out her tooth.

Then decided, the same day, that maybe she should pull out the other one too.

Oh but that wasn't enough. So before bed she pulled out the third one!!! The poor tooth fairy had to leave an IOU!

 Kylie's birthday date with her dad: Swimming, supper at McDonalds, the candy store, marble slab icecream and chapters. Lucky girl!

This is an actual house/castle that is for sale near us. It has some romantic story behind it but I don't know all the details. Not sure it'll be real easy to sell.
Yeah.... the running thing....we made 5 km!!!!!!!!! Only once so far. I'm back to dying at the 3K mark but tonight I'm determined to do 4 and we'll get back to 5 pretty soon. Race day is August 24th! Come cheer us on. It'll help me run faster. Poor Steve could run circles around me if he wanted but he's pretty sweet to stick with me. Hayley has also made it to 1km!!

 Steve took his girls fishing. Both Hayley and Kylie caught their first fish with Abby pointing out the good spot to catch em. I'm not really sure who was more excited. Pretty sure Steve was. Kylie didn't realize she'd caught one at first but as soon as she did she threw the fishing rod and ran back and forth not quite sure what to do!! So this is as close as she'd get to her fish :)

Steve actually took a week off this summer! Emcee is building a new McDonalds and has a few other big projects coming up so he figured he'd better do it now while he could. We took 2 of those days and went to Calgary to check out Calaway Park. I think I was about 15 last time I was there!! Stayed at a hotel with a great waterpark too so I think we successfully tired everyone out. Hope we can go once more before I head back to work.


 Crazy weather this year. Lots of storms. Not overly hot though.


Had a kindergarten grad party in the park in Devon. You'll notice that my child is a GIANT compared to the rest. Wonder where she gets that from! I never realized how tall she is. She's at least a head taller then all the rest.

 This was interesting. She takes this gigantic leap......

Slips of the bar....and lands flat on her back. Knocked the breath completely out of her. Kind of scary to see your child not able to breathe!!! Anyhow...after a few seconds she managed to suck in some air.

So exciting to get the pool filled up. It's slightly FREEZING! But the kids will swim in it so that's good. The heater costs as much as the pool did so.....maybe next year.

And that's about it! Kylie got another UTI this month, but first in a long time so hope its not going to be a monthly occurance again. She also got in to see the foot doctor. $575 later........ *choke* Her ankles are falling inward. Hard to describe. Basically she walks on the insides of her feet and she can't walk real far without getting sore or tired. The doctor says her feet should be almost straight by now so because they aren't and she is young he is going to start aggressive treatment (I don't know what that means...) with orthotics and see how that goes. Hoping by 16 years old she is 60-80% straight. Yae. Thankfully we have insurance as its not covered by Alberta Health.

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