Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wondering where my sanity has gone!

Well life is never dull around here, but unfortunately it's not fun! How is that possible? Well lets see... I started babysitting full time and I am soooo tired. We go out every day, twice a week to pick up the one girl from school, and twice a week to take hayley to and from school. So needless to say, getting 5 kids bundled up and seatbelted in is totally exhausting. I admit it.....I'm in it for the money!! It has been a good experience for me, I know I could never have 5 kids. I think Steve is grateful for that revelation.

We got over the lice thankgoodness, but then Kylie got ringworm!! Probably from Charlie, who gets dewormed on Thursday. Then she fell down, hit her face on the play table and got a winner of a shiner! She also got into the diaper cream and smeared it everywhere!!! although I admit she did a good job with her face. Looked like shaving cream. What is it with my children that they feel the need to smear cream everywhere?? How long until Kylie is at school full time?? Hmmm....

Abby is now waking up dry from night time so I can say she is 100% poty trained. That is so exciting. She has been day trained for several months now, but still had to wear a pull up to bed. 1 month before she turned 3. Whew.....what a long process.

Hayley had her kindergarter orientation the other day and now asks me every morning if it is time for kindergarten! I'm glad she is looking forward to it. I am too! She will go 2 full days a week plus every other Friday for a full day. I'm hoping for the Monday/Wednesday class so it won't be hard getting her up after a late Wednesday night.

Steve is working hard and soon going to be working nights for a few weeks. That should be intereting. I told him he'd better find somewhere else to sleep as he'll get none here with 5 girls running around squealing. So I think he's going to go hang out with grandpa.

As for me.....well.....just trying to keep sane in a too busy life.

Dad's storytelling was just too boring:)

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