Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A heartwarming experience

Today Hayley came home upset. You always know when she is upset because she is cranky and snotty about everything when something is wrong. So I say "Hayley you look upset. Is something the matter?" She says "I couldn't find Abby." and then she starts crying. So between Hayley and Abby this is the story I managed to piece together:

Hayley usually meets Abby at a certain location after school and they get on the bus together. Hayley was a bit late today showing up so Abby just got on the bus. It was almost time for the bus to leave and Hayley started panicking so the bus driver shut off the bus to help her look for Abby, the neighbore boy started helping her look....Hayley is very distressed that they have lost Abby. Of course Abby was on the bus the whole time.

It just made me feel so good to think of how much Hayley loves and cares for her little sister. Especially since tonight after piano her and Abby quit speaking to each other! HA! That lasted all of 5 seconds. Anyhow, we came to the conclusion that Hayley won't wait for Abby anymore and vice versa. If someone misses the bus they will have to wait at the office until I pick them up.

Just had to share my feel good about my girls story of the day.

Now it's bedtime. The house is quiet, Steve is at hockey...OH! Another quick story:

Steve called after piano tonight on his way home and said "You know...it'd be nice to have a fresh chocolate cookie after supper." So I laughed it off and finished feeding the girls and then thought "hmmm....cookies would be good." So to back up a bit, I had this gorgeous kitchen aid that I use ALL THE TIME and I broke the wisk, and somehow putting it away I bent the lever to increase the speed.....so it's kinda garbage. So I go to use it anyway cuz it's all I have, and here on my counter is a brand new one!!! HA! So THAT's why Steve wanted cookies. I'm so slow. IT made some yummy ones too. He had been to a future shop that was closing down and they had all this stuff on for amazing prices. He bought it for $200!!! That's cheap ladies right? I thought so.

Okay well goodnight.

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