Thursday, May 24, 2012

A bit of Randomness

Hello! Come! Sit! Have a cup of tea and let me fill you in!

Went to Aisha's birthday party the other day. She is turning 4. Here is Steve with her little brother. Doesn't it look good on him? :) Makes me want another one. Whoever says you just know when your done is crazy. I could go on forever having little people. We figure since one sister has 2, one brother has 3, another brother will soon have 4, we should have 5!! Ha! Don't worry all you who are stressing....we can't afford another one and we know it.

Here are the girls at the cool space themed party.

Tonight Kylie had her kindergarten open house so we had to hang out on the playground for a bit. Interesting fact: Graminia is thinking of offering half day kindergarten. I despise the idea myself as I wouldn't get anything done in half a day and there is only busing available to the morning. So I put myself down for "definitely want full days". Here's a photo of the girls 10 years from now. It's truly a terrifying thought.

This is our bathroom in demolition phase. Our shower arrived today and I am soooo excited to get it done! Finally we will have a bathroom bigger then a closet. Barely, but hey....beggars can't be choosers right?

Kylie's party stuff came in the mail the other day. She's having a cowgirl BBQ! This is the cup and plates. Yes that boot is a cup. Cute eh?


So in the process of demolishing the bathroom, a few things ended up on the front...lawn? dirtpile? She's not really going potty but it's quite funny.

Pictures out of order a bit. This is Kylie after her urethra repair. Perky and ready to go home.

Modeling her jammies before surgery.

Kylie's soccer team. I missed the other kids pictures but will get good copies later anyhow.

Well thanks for stopping by. Have a great week. Love you!

Monday, May 7, 2012


So our little Abigail Josephine (yes just a nickname!) had her 6th birthday party the other day. She wanted a monkey theme so here it is. We painted monkeys, did another treasure hunt, made our own pizzas, a piniata, cake, presents and then worn out, went out for supper! A great day. I love the pictures of Abby with her cupcakes. Not often Abby gives you a big light-up-her-face type smile.

Abby is our intense one. Would rather read a book then anything and is really quite a good little reader. She's still kind of shy but that's alright. Kind of bossy, but who isn't once in awhile. Ha! She is quite the perfectionist and if she's not perfect at something the first time, she won't try it again. It's interesting. You'd think she was the first born. We love our little Abby and wouldn't trade her for all the second borns in the world.

Kind of sad this picture at the table is so blurry. Not sure what happened with my camera. Abby is hiding. Little monkey!!

Abby has the same smile as my mom's cousin Roann. One side of her mouth goes down farther than the other. I think it's cute! Maybe the middle of her bottem lip is stuck up from sucking on it so much!!!

Well I'm done my raspberry chocolate truffle coffee, and since I am a non-coffee drinker I'm sure the buzz will come shortly and I can finish my jobs. We had preschool, swimming, grocery shopping, gas and carwash getting, and now grocery unloading, van cleaning, laundry, supper making, and piano. Good times in the life of a mom.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Okay so I know that this week's post was supposed to be 'biker chix', but it has been raining and I haven't got any pictures taken of biking. So here are my little soccer chix. Presenting #13: Abby Campbell. She has a little friend on her team Jorja so she is excited. Another friend Mya is supposed to be on her team too but wasn't there today.

 Presenting #4: Kylie Campbell. In there like a dirty shirt. She is with cousin Ashley so she's pretty excited about that.

 Presenting #28: Hayley Campbell. She was supposed to be with Jorja's sister Bella, but unfortunately, even though they are only 3 months apart, it puts them in different age groups. So Hayley is with Ethan. All the kids are playing with friends kids. It's kinda nice!

I love the exercise the kids get playing soccer. Villeneuve is such an awesome place to play because it's cheap ($35 a kid) and includes the jersey, medals or trophy, and year end BBQ. Plus it's only 6 weeks, its on Tuesday and Thursday nights, and all 4 kids (well...3....not Chelsea yet) play at the same time on the same big field (obviously in different areas, but you get what I travel!!) They love it and I love that they are running around being active kids.

Much love to you the updated blogs I've read. Will comment later.
