Monday, May 7, 2012


So our little Abigail Josephine (yes just a nickname!) had her 6th birthday party the other day. She wanted a monkey theme so here it is. We painted monkeys, did another treasure hunt, made our own pizzas, a piniata, cake, presents and then worn out, went out for supper! A great day. I love the pictures of Abby with her cupcakes. Not often Abby gives you a big light-up-her-face type smile.

Abby is our intense one. Would rather read a book then anything and is really quite a good little reader. She's still kind of shy but that's alright. Kind of bossy, but who isn't once in awhile. Ha! She is quite the perfectionist and if she's not perfect at something the first time, she won't try it again. It's interesting. You'd think she was the first born. We love our little Abby and wouldn't trade her for all the second borns in the world.

Kind of sad this picture at the table is so blurry. Not sure what happened with my camera. Abby is hiding. Little monkey!!

Abby has the same smile as my mom's cousin Roann. One side of her mouth goes down farther than the other. I think it's cute! Maybe the middle of her bottem lip is stuck up from sucking on it so much!!!

Well I'm done my raspberry chocolate truffle coffee, and since I am a non-coffee drinker I'm sure the buzz will come shortly and I can finish my jobs. We had preschool, swimming, grocery shopping, gas and carwash getting, and now grocery unloading, van cleaning, laundry, supper making, and piano. Good times in the life of a mom.


  1. I love all the monkeys!! You sure do a great job on the parties!! It does make the little ones feel so special- they are all lucky to have such wonderful parents!!

  2. fun to see all your birthday pictures. Looks like you had a great monkey party! Love you!
    Grandma and Grandpa T
