Monday, September 17, 2012

Another New Beginning

Where did August go???? Huh. Well....isn't that something. It's like it came and went and forgot to let us know. That's actually how I feel about the entire summer. So we go back from Ohio and conventions etc etc and then had Grandma and Grandpa Campbell stay with us for a few week. It was so good to see them but I didn't get many pictures because my camera battery charger disappeared somewhere so I was 'sans camera'. I used my phone a bit but haven't downloaded those ones yet and the quality is poor. So for now you will just have to take my word for it that they were really here!
Then it was THAT time of year again. So many emotions. Excited to be back into routine, frustrated at the cost of school supplies and indoor shoes and outdoor shoes and clothes and school fees, sad that I have lost one more baby to the big bad world of school yet anxious to get them ALL into school, and thrilled to bond with my baby girl and have 1 more year at home before I face the evil world of working for a living!
Abby: First year going every day. Grade 1
Hayley: The professional. Grade 3
Kylie: A whole new world. Kindergarten

Doing the happy dance! I hope this being excited to go back to school thing lasts forever. Somehow I think the time is coming when I have to drag them all out of bed. I give them 3 months tops.
There they go :( Won't be long and this walk will be in the pitch black.
Riding off into the sunrise...
Here is Kylie with her teacher Mrs.Hogel. Have to say I was so excited to see that she got her as she's an awesome teacher. She has piles of energy and Kylie is almost as tall as her. Can you believe she has kids my age??!! Being a kindergarten teacher must keep you young looking!
"We'll all meet right here when you get off the bus."

 And welcome to kindergarten my little princess. Poor little Kylie. She wiped out on the playground at recess on her first day so her big cousin took her to the office to get a bandaid for her knee. The office then fixed her up and sent her back outside, but recess was over and everyone was back in their classes. Turns out once you are outside, the doors lock and you can't get back in. So Kylie was stuck crying on the steps until the teacher found her. Big sister Hayley says "Come on Kylie you should have just played on the playground. Thats what I would have done." And it is exactly what Hayley would have done too!!
Okay now at some point this summer dad suddenly got offered this job up here in Edmonton so they packed their bags and headed up North!! We are soooooo excited to have them here in the city finally and its so good for all the Tingley siblings to all be together while aunty lives out her short time here on this earth. It's so great for grandma too to have her kids all together again. I know I'm far from that stage myself but I can only imagine what it would be like to have all your children coming "home". Such joy.
So I'm going to give you a little story here by telling you what the people are thinking in these pictures.
Dad: Hmmm..... I really need to find us a place to live and I need to do it NOW since Gayle is going back to Florida for a month and I must have her approval.
Mom: Seriously?? Do we really have to spend our time looking at houses? I'd just like to snuggle my grandbabies.
Meanwhile, trying to be a help, Jen starts perusing the internet and found this perfect bungalow. Nice size, beautiful colors, executive area (adult only community), it just looked absolutely perfect. So she HAD to tell them about it.
Jess: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Doesn't she realize this place she found for mom and dad is on the South side (where we live)?
Jen: Yeah. The things you do without thinking.

 HAhahahaha. Mom is quite concerned about being half way between us and dad wants to be a close drive to work. Problem is Jess and I live on opposite sides of the city so this is the happy medium I guess. It really is a beautiful house, and we're just happy to have them in the city again. In a city of a million people, dad and I ran into each other at the same McDonalds for lunch the other day so I'm sure we'll still see lots of them. Heehee.

The grandchildren

 Grandma took us to the park.


 Another big event happened today. My baby girl turned 3. I just love my girls so much. Chelsea is quite the personality. She NEVER stops talking so having just one at home isn't that peaceful. I think she tries to talk as much as she can because she knows when her sisters get home she doesn't stand of chance of talking. And you can't just ignore her or she asks the same question 15 billion times until you answer. She has a huge vocabulary and uses every word. She STILL reminds me so much of Abby. I hate that she's getting so big. I just want her to stay this size forever.
So we threw her a little party. Just Glen and Jess and the cousins. We did a hello kitty theme. Found this massive balloon at the party store and then they tell me they have a helium shortage in the country so I had to buy a big prefilled tank. It came with all these balloons so we had balloons galore. Mid-party, my little loveable yet troubled 3rd child stabbed hello kitty in the back with a fork and deflated half of her. Needless to say, Kylie missed the rest of the party by being sent to bed (where she promplty did fall straight to sleep).

 I love how excited she looks here. I just love birthday parties. I know....its a weakness...

Well that's all my pictures for now I guess. Piano lessons have started, Hayley comes home with homework EVERY DAY so that's frustrating and is keeping us busy. We are thinking that Hayley might be a bit dyslexic so we are going to Calgary for a week next month to put her through a course that will hopefully give her tools to help her through the school year. We just can't have another year like last year!!! We barely made it to the second week of school THIS year and already, Hayley has had her desk moved right up front because she giggles at the boys and won't pay attention!!!

Then we will do our usual trip to Kananaskis for thanksgiving (Oct.5-9). We ARE SOOOOOOO looking forward to that trip. I think this will be the first time in 3 or 4 years that the fall colors will be out in all their glory!! WOOOHOO.

Love you all so very much.
Until next time,
Take care.

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