Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Okay so I'm not procrastinating. I am actually taking the day off. Tuesdays are absolutely horrid on my nerves anyhow, and we only got home at 9 since we had to grocery shop after soccer, so I am ready to head to bed with my cup of tea! Or I would do that if tea didn't make me throw up of course. IT's so wierd. Had the same problem with Abby's pregnancy. Couldn't drink tea the whole 9 months without getting sick.
So there are some bad fires burning just North East of the city. The whole sky is one big haze and the smell is enough to burn your throat. They are really hoping for rain tonight. Doesn't look too promising. One of the main problems is the wind keeps changing directions on them. floods and fires....swine flu....what next?

So soccer looked like piles of fun!And totally exhausting!! They did 2 laps around the 3 mini soccer fields, then did some drill type work, then separated the 3,4, and 5 year olds onto seperate fields, and played a little game. Hayley ran for the entire 75 mintues!!! It'll be so good for her. Then near the end they sent some 5 year olds over to the 6 year old team, and they asked Hayley (cuz she's so awesome of course) but she said she'd rather stay there because she was afraid the big kids would take the ball from her! HA!

We find it so interesting to watch Hayley with a teacher or instructor. She concentrates so hard on what they are saying and tries to absorb everything. It makes her a cautious student, almost needing to have approval to go to the bathroom. Very interesting. Classic first born perfectionism comming out. I am having fun reading about birth order and am a strong believer in how it shapes personality.

Here are some pictures. Hayley's shorts are too big making her look a little like a fat little boy, but she was so cute and did so well!! ALMOST scored a goal.

And this is the princess house that Steve brought home from a lady at work. I am needing a bigger basement I think.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


My life is too busy to be interesting these days, so I don't have much to write about, but I am procrastinating, so I am sure somthing will come to mind.

I have until June 19th to complete my school work. It's not going to happen. I THINK I could be done by July 19th, but that would mean a dedicated 20 hours a week to studying. This is indeed a problem when you are the sole evening caregiver! Once supper and baths and reading and snuggles and cleaning up the house are done, the last thing I want to do is concentrate on anything!! Now here is the bigger issue. There is a slight possibility that my dear man will be jetting off to the big cty of wainwright for a job in about June, which means COMPLETE single parenting all day and all night for who knows how long. I have mixed feelings about it. The money would be good. The summer spent alone would be terrible. Yes we could always go camp with him for a few weeks, but I would be need to be home if I don't finish my schooling, and I'd prefer to have the baby born here then on the highway between Edmonton and Wainwright. No point in getting too worked up......his company doesn't even have the job for sure yet. We will know by the end of this week....at which time Steve is also done nights. YAE!!!!!!

The little people all have terrible colds so that keeps life interesting too. Maybe it's swine flu!!! I think people in gospel meeting were wondering why I brought my children. Abby coughed so much I was wondering whether I should catch the puke in her skirt or mine. She saved the day by not throwing up. Kylie did it instead when we got home! Motrin here we come. For you parents....if Tylenol isn't cutting it....Motrin is heavenly. It lasts twice as long. Better for a good night's sleep.

And here is some information I'm sure you all want. I got the nastiest bladder infection I have ever had in my life this last week. WOW! I went through a 4 liter jug of cranberry juice (Yikes! Bitter!) and am ingesting antibiotics to try to relieve the pain. But I have still, at 20 weeks 4 days, only gained 4 pounds. This lack of weight gain is just so great!

Okay I have been on here long enough. I try to tell myself....if you want to see Steve at all this summer, GET TO WORK! So here I go.

Oh and we got new tires on the van so that was fun, and we got our tax rebate, so on the 15th we get new soffit, fascia, and eavestrough! WOOHOO!! I can think of other things to spend it on, but one must stay warm and dry right?

Have a pleasant week everyone. We will update perhaps after our ultrasound in a few weeks. We have decided not to share the sex of the baby even if we find out but I can let you know if it has 25 toes or something. Sorry. I know. Not fair. Oh well.

Happy days. I am really gone now......