Friday, July 16, 2010

Rain rain go away, come again another day.

Buckley just wanted his picture taken. He stuck his nose up to the camera and said cheese so I told him I'd post it just for him.

We complain if it is too hot and we complain if it is too cold, but come on. Enough is enough. It even SNOWED on Tuesday in Jasper. I understand that's the mountains, but even the moutains are supposed to be warm and beautiful in JULY!!! Goodness sakes.

This morning we woke up to lightening and thunder pretty much right in the back yard. The floor of the house was shaking. Steve had gone to work already, and needless to say I ended up with 4 little girls in my bed.

So I had fun practicing taking the girls yearly photos a few days ago. Abby was at a friend's house so she missed out. Aunty Jessica is going to take better ones at an old barn near here when it stops raining!!! So hopefully I'll have some "professionals" taken by my multi-talented sister soon.
We got ANOTHER new kitten the other day. I think this is cat #10??? Anyhow, hopefully this is a good cat that sticks around. Charlie has already claimed it as his baby, licking it clean and attacking Buckley if he gets to rough with him. I want to name him Roiboos (little Roy) after my favorite tea, but I think I have been vetoed. Any good boy cat names out there? The kids love him. Kylie especially!! Kylie loves anything with a heartbeat though so that's a given.
Check out this jar of pickles. It is a 2L jar that was jammed FULL of pickles on Saturday. Now, almost a week later, it is nearly empty. The kids LOVE pickle and cheese sandwhiches, and Hayley likes to just munch on them for snack. Healthy, albeit probably a major salt overload!!!
I had a job interview the other day. Sounded promising, although you have to promise them 200 minutes of dictation a week. The issue is that 10 minutes dictation can take me 2 hours. If you do the math, that means 40 hours a week. She thought I could do it in 25 hours a week, but I'm a little nervous. Anyhow, they aren't sure how much they like my internet connection, but it's the best we can get out here. It's fast, but because it's wireless, they are afraid I will have lots of down time. I tried to convince them it would be fine. Then I got another email that I had passed a pre-employment test with another company and they want my resume, so I think that would be the better job. We'll see. Just patiently waiting to hear from someone. The first job.....better money. The second job....likely more flexible (which is more important to me right now).
Well that's all life in a nutshell. Or the nut house since we haven't been out of the house for nearly a week thanks to the rain!!! Oh well....I guess we went out yesterday. I got ALL of Hayley's school supplies and didn't have to fight the crowds.'s wonderfully stress-free being organized. We are very excited to see Lorne and Michelle Gale and their 3 little ones this week, and very excited to see great grandma, Aunty D and Uncle M the week after!! Busy but wonderful days ahead.
Hugs and kisses,


  1. Enjoyed your new post...:-)

  2. cheese and pickle kids love both so maybe i should put them together!! good idea!!
