Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sights of Summer.....the rare warm days

We had a really great time out at the Lindquist/Howden resort on Saturday so thought I would share some pictures with you. Unfortunately, today everyone is in really really bad moods, including half the adults in the house, so maybe we should've packed it in a little earlier last night. The problem is, when you have a warm day you make the most of it, and it was still warm and bright daylight at 9:00 pm!!

This is me about to go water skiing for the first time in 12 years!!! 12 years ago I tore my hamstring trying to drop a ski and was too afraid to try again. I now realize I am too old. I got up on about the 5th try, however, afraid of falling, when I felt myself about to lose control I would wipe out and land on my bum. Imagin getting a very aggressive enema. After about the third fall, having to lay in the lake unmoving for about 5 minutes moaning over what felt like a busted tailbone, I decided tubing was more my speed.

This is Steve. After about 45 attempts to get up on 1 ski he decided to get up with 2 and drop 1. He got up the first try that way. This is only the 2nd time in his life he's been behind a boat so that was pretty impressive. I am working very hard to convince him that a boat would be a wise investment as far as keeping the kids entertained in the summer.

Here are the first 45 attempts.

This is Steve wakeskating. It is like a really big skateboard. No binding for your feet.

This was how grandma got down to the beach. She was like an excited little girl. It was so cute. I think it brought back lots of memories of our summers at the lake. We loved those days.
Grandpa's brother Jim came out to spend some time too. Was very nice seeing him again. Can't half tell he's grandpa's brother eh?

This was more Kylie's speed. She loved the Kayak with aunty Carrie.

Hayley spotting for her dad.

And some more helpers. On the back there is Carter Lindquist. The twinkle in Hayley's eye for the last year and a half. The sun apparently rises and sets on Carter. The other day we had wish and I asked if she wanted Tartar sauce with it. She said "Carter sauce? Heehee. Giggle." Goodness. We have warned her to be nice. That is the boss's son.

Playing in the sand is always good fun too.

This is Hayley and Rebecca behind the tube. Hayley LOVED tubing. Karson Saville, one of the young kids here (must be about 19 or so) took the kids on many many rides.

Me and Carrie. I think this was Carrie's first time in the tube?? She's not a big fan of the water but I think she actually enjoyed it? Personally I like the tubes you lay on your tummy on and have to hold on for dear life but this was nice too.

Abby's best friend and second cousin Ashley.

Cousin Dan Howden tore his ACL and MCL the day before so no more water skiing for him this year. Now he gets to just drive everyone else around. Bummer for him!!!

Abby in the lake. She was brave and went tubing too! LOVED it!!!

Time to put cranky kid #5 to bed. Later....

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