Thursday, December 2, 2010

Stephen Scott

Hey there handsome!!!

Steve with his old baby. The van. I think he is getting past his loss though now that he has a truck with heated seats.

Steve's current job. Building an ATB financial. We had a laugh over the fact he just grabbed the first tool he saw lying around and posed for the picture on the left. He's not actually doing anything!!! The guy he's with below is one of the guys in the office. A project manager I believe.

The handsome model.

So a lady came by Steve's work to take pictures for their updated website. Doesn't he look good???? I think he looks so handsome. He has a meeting in Jasper in 6 weeks and the kids and I even get to come along!!! I'm so excited! The guys will be in a meeting all day on Friday, but I can just wander around town with the girls if the weather is nice or we can hang out in the pool. Then Saturday and Sunday are ours to do whatever we want. Will have to find out if there is a meeting there.
I am having the first stay at home day I've had for more than a month and it feels sooooooo good. I am cleaning the house (it was terrible!!!!), doing a little Christmas baking, swimming, piano, preschool.....BLISS!!

Kylie and Abby have been getting along so well lately. I love it. There is something to be said for having your kids close together. The giggle all day long. Right now they are reading comics and Chelsea is sleeping so it is blessedly peaceful.

Will leave you with a few pictures and then I better go do some dishes and vacuum.

This was the best picture I could get before specials. Hayley's hair is wonky, Chelsea is about to cry, Abby is leaving the seat, and Kylie's doing her squinty eye thing. Oh well.

Abby and Kylie with a major case of giggles.

My little butterfly after her bath. When I sit to take her picture she runs at me full force so it's hard to get a picture.

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