Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Winter has Struck!!!

It is BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR so cold here. For the Canadians and Australians, it has been about -32 at night. Americans you'll have to convert, but just think "really stinkin cold!!!!" The cold makes me cranky. My hubby is getting sick of it. The floor in our house gets freezing cold and the bedrooms upstairs get none of the fireplace heat. COLD COLD COLD. I HATE being COLD! The I got feeling sorry for the dogs and the cat because they are freezing so my dear hubby thought he'd do something about it, and he traded some hours of work with Dan (our heating and airconditioning expert) and I now have his guy here putting our old furnace into the garage and venting the house so the heat from the fireplace goes up to the bedrooms. YAE FOR HEAT!!!! As for the ice cold spot on the kitchen floor, I fixed that solution with a rug. Back to good mood!

Yes, as you can see, Kylie is now taller than Abby. Although, her legs are short so she can still have Abby's old pants. It all works out.

Can't wait until we're done swimming. It takes forever to bundle everyone up and then trudge out on bad roads to get to lessons. I think they'll both pass. The teacher at half-way report told me Kylie's a little fish and she has no worries. Abby swims amazing. You would not believe this is the kid who wouldn't put her face in the water last year. She swims lengths under water now. WOOHOO!!!

Steve worked 72 hours last week. Whew! Now this week he is having some early days so that's great. Hope he gets some sleep now. Oops. Chelsea is awake so I better go. I also need to make cookies for the bake sale at Abby's school.

Love you all,

Jen and family.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jen and Steve! I dreamt we came to Canada to visit you and were out shopping for so long, that we almost missed the wed night meeting!!! Weird huh!
    Sorry your cold! We're HOT HOT HOT, I cannot imagine what summer is going to bring, only I might like to trafe places with you guys. We're allready getting into the 30's! Our conv which is over christmas promised to be a scorcher!
    Your girls are getting so big and cuter everytime, can't believe our youngest is 3.5yrs.
    I saw Annette earlier in the year- she hasn't changed a bit!!!
    Stay warm love the Eldridges (oie)
