Monday, January 31, 2011

The good the bad and the ugly...

Lets start with the bad and get that out of the way:
1. We had ice damming that caused water to run into the ceiling and down the wall of the back entrance, and now we have to replace said drywall, repaint and re-stipple. The result? Lots of $$$$$ out the window.

2. The septic backed up. The septic guy promised he could fix it. 315$$$$$ later he tells me he actually can't fix it. I'll have to call a plumber. Just about dumped HIM down the septic tank. ARGH!!!!

3. The city of Edmonton doesn't want to clear the ruts out of the city streets reulting in the 3rd!!!!! Time we've blown the power steering hose bottoming out on the snow packed streets!!! ARGH!!! The result? More $$$$$$$$ we DON'T have!!!! I may send a bill to the city of Edmonton.

4. Hayley just got over a really nasty flu just in time for her and Abby to get the chicken pox. They were vaccinated so I'm stumped. Hmmm.....Kylie also got a rash last night. Don't know if it is chicken pox but if it is it's mild as well. Oh least they're feeling fine and it isn't costing money!!!

The Ugly!!! I'm cranky!!!!

OKay lets move on to the good. We had a wonderful weekend in Jasper. Why were we there? It was the first official share holders meeting for Emcee construction and management. Yes a huge congratulations to my hubby Mr. Stephen Campbell for 10 years with the company and now a 5% owner. WOOHOO!!! Perhaps the dividend check can turn my bad and uglies into goods?? Steve has seen the company go from just a few guys doing home renovations to several employees and subtrades doing major commercial renovations and even now new commercial construction!! What a change in 10 years!

Here are the 5 owners. Mark Lindquist is the one in the middle. He is one of the friends here in Edmonton. His sister is married to our cousin Dan Howden. He is the major share holder and only director. The other 4 are partial owners.

Here are some other pictures of our trip. The guys were in a meeting all day Friday so I just hung out with the kids. Swam with Daph and the kids in the morning, gave the kids naps in the afternoon, visited with Tim's wife and their son in the afternoon as well and then there was a company dinner in the evening. Saturday we swam more, went out for supper with Tim and his wife and son and met Mark and Daph and kids there. Then hung out at the street festival for a bit. Sunday was meeting and lunch in Hinton and then on home. It was so great to get away.

Yes it was an outdoor pool. Quite an experience in the winter, but it was fun. It was like a warm bath. The kids didn't mind it anyhow. They liked jumping in the snow and then into the water.

A little cold on the nose and ears but that's okay.

Lunch time. Mommy and Kylie.

Abby with the cutest little bottle of ketchup.

Our room was beautiful. There was a seperate room you can see behind the couch with these sliding doors to block it off if you want. Then the living room had a big wood burning fireplace in the corner.

At the street festival. Kylie playing a game.

Back at our house. The snow was up to their waist in places.

Trudging through the snow. It's fun for awhile. It is wearing a little thin though. I can't wait for spring when I can open the windows, air out the house, go for a long walk....

Steve out for lunch. He doesn't look tired at all hey?

My baby girl.
So that's about all the news around here. I get to play the piano for Wednesday night gospel meeting the last 2 weeks of February so that should be interesting. I think it's been about 7 years since I've done that. I may be a little rusty. It's a bit tricky on the keyboard as I rely on my footpedal and there isn't one.
Wishing you all pleasant spring-like days.
Love the Campbell family.

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