Monday, January 3, 2011

Routine....isn't it great.

We'll being the blog with a few random pictures because I am too lazy to put them in their proper place :)

Kylie ran into a door on new years eve and split her head open. Looks pretty minor compared to the copious amounts of blood!

Our table at Christmas. Looks like there is no food (it's hiding) the bottles are sparkling juice :)

Putting together lego. Hey it was need to do our hair right?

Have I not updated since before christmas? Goodness. I'm slacking.
Lets see....the greatest news of the week is that Kylie is no longer needing pull-ups at night. get Abby on that bandwagon!!! As a past bed-wetter myself, I'm not seeing that happening in the near future so whatever....she'll grow out of it eventually.
I had a birthday this season. My last one ever. I refuse to acknowledge that I will be 30 next year. We had a lovely family supper at gramma, jess made me a cake. Kids got me some neat gifts. It was a nice night.
My sister is really classy :)

Christmas was lovely, boxing day was not so much. There should be a law against 2 parents getting the flu on the same day. It was 'fend for yoursef' day for the kids. My hubby bought me an iphone for Christmas. I love it!! He's still a blackberry sort of guy but I think mine is better :)
The girls and I made this nifty gingerbread christmas tree. It was YUMMMMMMY!
We also got together with the chatten boys to make gingerbread men. These 8 kids did soooo good. They play so well together. They're all 7 and under.
Steve took the girls skating a few times and we spent a day at the waterpark which was lots of fun. Chelsea LOVEs the waves. She would sit down and let them knock her over and then when they were done she'd get up and run into the deeper I spent most of my time chasing her around.

Now school has started again and so has the routines of life. I'm looking forward to that. Chelsea woke up at 2:30 this morning and cried until I had to get up at 6. IT was lovely. So I am going to go have a nap while she does. Yes grandmas....I did get up and sit in the rocking chair with her don't worry. I didn't just let her cry:)

Steve got an ipad for Christmas so we all fight over that. Even Chelsea has a game on it.

Love you all

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