Saturday, June 11, 2011

Life in our Madhouse

So what has been happening? The girls and I had fun on Friday. I went on Hayley's fieldtrip, then we came home and built this cardboard house (yes that's my lopsided roof line....not the carpenter husbands!). I was then informed not only were no boys and men allowed in it but no women either! So anyhow, then we had supper and a marshmellow roast. Those massive ones you can get now are not kid material we found out. Granted they taste great and they are HUGE but they stick to EVERYTHING. You thought the normal big ones were bad....these are like glue. After that we went for a bike ride/run and made it home just before the wonderfully HUGE thunderstorm. I just love a good storm.

Saturday we went to preps for the morning and came home so Steve could work in the afternoon. A quiet day planned tomorrow. A lovely, blessed, much needed, day of rest. Hayley is to have her tooth pulled on Monday so I guess we need to make a decision regarding appliance versus spacer.

Ooey-gooey mess

I think her hand is permanently stuck to her knee.

And this is the house that mom built!

The girls pulled benches inside and made beds. I told them they couldn't sleep there but they might as well. I don't know why we bother to provide them with beds. Abby is the only one (and Chelsea obviously) who stays in her bed. You never know where you might find the other 2. Unless they are at your feet or kicking you in the back. Below you see a picture of where Kylie chose to spend the night last night.

Look at that door. The people who lived here before us painted over those old nasty brown wood doors with the wrong kind of paint that is now falling off in chunks. Can't wait for new carpet and interior doors.

Hayley's trip was to a place where they learned about how things were done in pioneer days. Here they are doing math on tablets. I wonder what Hayley will do when she realizes she doesn't have 11 fingers to use. Hahahaha. They made me feel old talking about what a chalkboard was!!! Hayley's class has a whiteboard and a SMART board. Technology......hmmm....

They had races

That's MY girl in the lead :)

They made homemade icecream so here they are all eating it.

Then they learned how to farm. By this point Hayley is apparently bored?? She is standing there because she knew that after the seeder, the next thing you need is a tractor to pull it. This was an easy task since 95% of these kids are farm kids.

We made cupcakes with whole wheat flour that the kids freshly ground. (She's reaching for another spoon in the bowl, not grabbing the batter).

It was fun going and seeing how the kids interact with each other. Hayley has an amazing teacher who has incredible control over her class. If the kids are being noisy and wild she says "Class class" and they say "yes yes" and then they go totally quiet. She never once had to raise her voice.

Well that's all folks. Only 2.5 weeks now until convention. Looking forward to it.

Love Jen, her wonderful husband, and her little peanuts.

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