Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Culinary delights and other frights.

Today Kylie finally got her voiding cystourethrogram done. She laid on an x-ray table and watched the TV on the roof while they put in a catheter and emptied her bladder. Then they filled her bladder with dye until it was completely full and had her pee into a bedpan so they could take pictures of where the dye is going. My poor little princess. She is soooo tough and hates to cry in front of people she doesnt know so she's whispering ouch ouch and tears are leaking out her eyes. Then she got stage fright and couldn't pee so her tummy was hurting that much more! Finally she peed and the whole ordeal was over. Whew! So we headed to the next building to her urologists office where he says she has reflux on the right side. That means the urine washes back up towards her kidneys a bit. The good news is it's low grade so they can fix it with a minor little day surgery. So now we wait a couple months for that and then hope its a long time before we have to visit the stollery again! (our children's hospital). Thank goodness for a friend and wonderful husband who looked after Chelsea for me. This whole process took all day!!

So here's some pictures I dug off my phone. A little culinary delight. Thought I'd cook up a little asian salmon since the kids like fish. Turns out we only like white fish. Had to choke down the salmon to pretend I liked it so the kids would eat it. Chelsea did like it. The others gagged along with me. Too much fish taste. The glaze would've tasted nice on chicken though. Or halibut.

My culinary fright. Trying to make some psychadelic cupcakes as a trial for my daughter's upcoming peace sign birthday. They were heavy and I dropped them getting them out of the oven!! Good thing it was only a trial. They did look cool though.

Family day back in Feb. Went to the leisure center for swimming and playing fun.

Kylie's class and siblings took a fieldtrip to the Royal Alberta museum. Kind of neat if you are into culture and that kind of stuff :)

That small stick beside the big tree is Abby on the carpet lift. Trying to get a pic of the bright hot sun

Nothing quite as awful as waking up from a nap apparently.

Glen's injury has really aged him!!

Will let this be all for now. Time to make some hotdogs and rush off to piano lessons.

Love to all,


1 comment:

  1. Good to hear about Kylie's medical senario- good if it can be easily fixed but too bad she has had to suffer for so long. She is a brave little girl and has had a lot in her 4 years. I can't believe you don't like salmon- it is one of my favourite dishes-especially Canadian Salmon. We don't get the nice salmon here like you do there. Poor Glen, he really has AGED!! Luv Mum
