Monday, March 5, 2012

Winter wonderland

Its another winter's day today. Beautiful temperature wise but snowing and icy. The nice thing is that the temps are supposed to stay above 0 even overnight all next week so spring seems to be coming!!! Can't wait for summer. We might even get to Florida again in August. Not often we get to go twice in one year!!!!

This weekend we went skiing again (or as Hayley would say, 'Mom I don't ski!!' same difference). WE went with Grant and Raeanne Miles. They have girls Hayley and Abby's age and a boy Kylie's age. The girls did really really good. After her lesson Kylie begged me to go on the big hill. I said "can you do big turns? Cuz if not you have to stay here on the learning hill." She swore she could so I let her go up only to watch her come barreling down the hill full speed with no attempts to turn OR stop!! So she spent the rest of the night on the little hill showing how she really COULD do big turns. Guess I should have asked if she had any fear or knowledge of consequence. The kid just doesn't care that she could break her neck!! Hayley improved HUGELY! She can actually go down the hill now and even went on the chair lift. She just needs to learn how to turn now. Abby is confident as usual and does really well. She went on the bigger hill too. Chelsea....well we just won't talk about her. She had a big freak out when we went outside and she got a few snowflakes blowing in her face. Litterally screamed nonstop until we walked through the chalet doors. So we had to sit inside the whole time where she was quite happy to drink hot chocolate and eat banana bread!! GRRRRRRRR!

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