Tuesday, July 2, 2013

twas the week before spring....

YIKES!!! I am way way way behind on my blog. So today we play catch up! Lets head back to the end of March! My big girl turned 9!!! I can't believe that next year she will be in the double digits! We're getting so old! So for her date with her dad she really wanted to go to rope quest.

Then she had a date with grandma and great-grandma Tingley!! What a spoiled girl.
Steve is a brave brave man. He lets Kylie drive now and then

The younger girls and I made cake pops for her birthday. Then we headed out to Kananaskis.

We had another awesome year at Kananaskis. This time Brian and Rebekah Ott came with us. Its was fun to have another couple to chat with. We even got in some skiing at Nakiska. It was a gorgeous warm day. I even got on skis for my first time in about 12 years!!! It was fine until the guys suggested I take her on an EASY blue run. What they neglected to tell me was that 'easy' means 3.5km with a 3 year old who cries and sits the whole way down. Let me tell you....my legs and back were shaking so bad that we just ended our fun after THAT particular run. Looking forward to skiing again next season though. Our kids are getting to such a fun more independent stage.

Chelsea's first time on a chair lift.

Abby won one of the rounds of Family Easter Bingo!

Going on a GPS easter egg hunt.

Chelsea's first swimming lessons. She pulled the same thing Hayley did and cried the first few days but then by the end she got over it and did really well. She didn't pass because she can't front float but shes only 3 so we will just try again in the summer.


The other kids did really well. They all passed and Kylie even gets to skip level 1 and 2 and jump ahead to level 3!! Good job Kylie!!

Who knew I married a Frenchman??

Warning.....don't drop hot oil on your foot. It might leave big nasty blisters

Probably the only girl inthe world who can fall asleep shoe shopping!

Then in April our second baby turned 7!! She wanted frogs for her birthday. She is amazing at caring for them. Every time I remind her to feed them she says its already done.

Well I guess theres no point breaking tradition!! The second time I've gone in the ditch. This time I also went right across traffic (thank goodness it's a country road and there is very little traffic) and I ended up backwards. Grrr... How long until I can afford a heavier truck???

Steve brought a fish tank home. The thing is huge. But we all enjoy watching them. Its a salt water tank so has a bit of coral and stuff.

Had the flu run through our house. Yae!

No more VUR!!! Yae!! We have also been infection free for several months. I'm thrilled!!

Steve and I have started the couch to 5k and we're actually doing really well!! Up to 8 minutes straight running. Pretty sure it's the new shoes. Right? We're trying our first race in August.

So that pretty much covers April and May!! Now on to more of May and June! Whew....almost caught up. Sorry but it's going to be mostly a pictoral journey

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