Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Is it already the middle of March??

Gotta love those moments when you finish writing a much overdue blog posting and BOOM you accidently shut off the computer and lose it all. I can't believe how far I am falling behind. I used to take for granted all the time I had for the little things before this thing called work got in the way. Sigh.... I will not complain too much. I do enjoy the paycheck. So here we go. I will try to explain our past few months in picture.
Just thought this was a good candid photo of the Kylie bear.
Chelsea had her first ski experience this year. It was a HUGE change from last year. This time last year she would cry at the mere sight of the hill. This time she told me she wasn't sitting with me cuz she was going skiing. I was expecting it to be the most expensive 5 minutes ever but she loved it!
We went with her good friend Rachel Ott. Aren't they cute together? So small.
On the carpet lift heading up the hill.
Abby doing a few practice runs on the little hill too.

So Kylie and Chelsea tired out after 3 hours or so and so I took them home to bed and Hayley and Abby stayed awhile longer with Steve. I guess Hayley fell and was crying so Abby came in to get me, but by the time she had her board off, Hayley was back in line at the chair lift so Abby went back out. That night hayley was complaining that her arm really hurt and her fingers felt numb. I told her we'd check it out in the morning when I ran to town to get meds for Kylie's billionth bladder infection. Turns out she had a tiny crack. Only had to wear this for 10 days. She thought it was pretty cool until she couldn't go swimming at the hotel the next weekend. 
Kylie and her man
Grandma celebrated a birthday after babysitting and scrubbing my house all day. I think she was just slightly exhausted!!!
We decided we had been busy every weekend for so long that we needed to escape so went to Calgary for the weekend. Doesn't Chelsea look thrilled to be at the bass pro shop? Believe it or not she is the best shopper and can outwalk any of her sisters.

Washing dishes with dad.

This was an intense competition between Steve and Jen and I was within seconds of beating the pants off Steve which is really impressive since Steve grew up with guns and I've never shot one. But he pulled back in the race at the last second and won by the skin of his nose. 

Daddy's little Oiler fan.
Some of the kids at a Sunday birthday potluck
This is the most interesting cat. His name is buttercup. I don't know if he just has a complex because he is a boy cat with a girl name, but he disappears for long stretches of time and just when we think he's dead he returns!! As long as he's eating the mice....he can prowl the streets as much as he wants.

Yes one might say this winter wonderland is gorgeous, and I would agree with said person if I were a stay at home mom, but for one thing it's almost spring, and for another thing...
The minivan isn't exactly a 4WD and I'm sick of driving to work in this. Not only that but I have to park in a field that is never plowed so I am frequently getting stuck in the parking lot or our driveway! Sigh....come on summer!!! I'm ready to watch the kids frolick in the pool while I sip on diet pepsi and get my tan on!

The kids like hanging out with their dad cuz he takes them wierd places like Cabellas and so wierd things...
For Hayley's birthday we told her that we would redo her room. So I ripped off the casing to get ready to paint etc and the whole wall peeled off. Someone had painted latex over oil base, and as I tried to peel the rest off I was putting dents in the wall. I decided the only way to get over the frustration was just to pull down the entire wall. I think Steve is convinced I've lost my mind. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Now.....not so much.

Steve was at the sport and boatman show with these guys while I was watching Hayley and her friend Jenna and tearing down walls. It probably would have been cheaper to go to the show with them.
The night before we'd been with friends to the West Ed waterpark so needless to say I'm pretty wiped out. Now looks like a tummy bug is going around our house. Oh dear.
Here is Chelsea's first ski. I think that's a scared laugh she has going on.

So whats up in future blogs?

1. Kylie has a doctor's appointment, 2 ultrasounds, and a urologist consult this week since we can't get rid of the bladder infections.

2. We are going to Kananaskis for spring break and I CAN.NOT.WAIT!!

3. Hayley turns 9 and we celebrate 11 years of wedded bliss!!!!

Awww....Abby just came out of her room and said "I just want to tell you that I appreciate everything you do for me." I think she must be sick?? But it was pretty sweet.

Got the kids report cards. Very interesting. Hayley's best subject: Gym. She might be uncoordinated, but she got an "exemplary" rating and loves to be active and can't wait to start training for cross country running early this year. Abby's best subject: English. She is reading at a grade 3 level. She is only in grade 1. Its traumatic in this house if she gets any less then 100% on her spelling tests. Kylie's best subject: Hard to tell. She's in kindergarten. I would say socializing? She is pretty excited that she is already starting to read simple words. Mostly sight words. Chelsea's best subject? Talking!! The kid never shuts up. Love how unique each one is.

1 comment:

  1. Great update!! Love all the photos. Chelsea is really growing up- she'll be running the family soon!!! Luv M&D
