Saturday, January 3, 2009

Diarrhea diaries

Our house has become infected with a diarrhea bug. It's great really. Cleans out the system. Steve caught it first, and 2 weeks later is just starting to get rid of it. I was introduced to it today. The awful part is that not only does Starbucks make it worse, you don't feel sick with it! Why is that so bad you ask? Well you will be happily playing a game of canasta or scrabble with your husband and listening to the hockey game, and all of a sudden you've gotta go!!! Have you ever tried running up a flight of stairs with your cheeks clentched tightly so you don't spill out? It should really be an olympic event. Then you get sat down and absolutely explode. The sound effect are enough to make you laugh until your guts DO hurt and your husband is cheering you on from the kitchen!

So tonight we went to eat a our favorite little Japanese place called Teriyaki corner. They have the world's best spring rolls. In fact our kids can polish off 5 or 6 each!! Steve and I usually accompany it with a chicken rice bowl and a glass of peach bubble tea for him and watermellon for me. Have you had bubble tea? It's a very unique taste. It is basically flavored green tea with these big 'pearls' on the bottem. They are basically coconut balls but chewy like tapioca. Then to top it all off, regardless of the fact it is -34, Steve ordered a bowl of green tea ice cream. I didn't enjoy that. It was like chewing on tree bark. If you ever come visit us we will take you there. You sit to eat on a large swing! Fun!

Canada beat Russia today with the oiler's draft pick scoring in the last 5 seconds to tie it up and then winning in a shoot out. They will play Sweden in the gold metal game. How exciting. Oiler's won tonight as well.

Tomorrow is our niece Mia's birthday! She will be the big 4. We will go eat butterfly cake after meeting tomorrow. Gramma is sick so it's nice to have lunch plans. She misses the kids when she doesn't do Sunday lunch. We will have to drop in later in the week when she is feeling better.

Christmas by the way was a blast. It has been bitterly cold these last few weeks of holidays thogh so that's a bummer. It is to warm up considerably on Monday when everyone heads back to work. Hayley starts swimming Monday and wednesday mornings and I babysit the rest of the days of the week so it is going to be extremely busy. I am looking forward to February with great excitment. Feb.1st we are off to Florida!!! Have all my shopping money all saved up.

Well I am going to sign off now and will leave you with a few photos for your viewing pleasure.

Love Jen

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