Friday, January 30, 2009

Dog narrowly escapes death!!

Should've just killed the thing really. I tried to avoid him, but with the rain and snow and warm weather, I went down through the ditch and up onto some sweet old man's driveway, running over a sign he had pegged into the ground telling people not to come on to his driveway. Hahahahaha. How ironic eh? I lodged the stake under the van and can't get it out for anything. I probably destroyed the van. Oh well. I can afford a new one right *eye roll*. So I'm a little mad at myself. Oh yes and I had 5 kids with me. Thankgoodness they all handled it well. Very brave young ones. I think I may have had a small heart attack. We managed to drive the vibrating van all the way home.

Swimming lessons is over again until May. Hayley was 1 of 2 out of 5 that passed! The other mothers sitting beside me were a little upset. They felt that the teacher gave Hayley more attention because she was the only girl in the class, and because she's a girl she doesn't act up!!! Oh can tell they don't know girls very well. Just teach your antsy boys to behave! That's a dumb excuse I think "Oh he's just a boy." I know we went through a stage with Hayley where she wouldn't listen to the teacher, but threaten and bribe and discipline a bit and now she's okay. So they were mad (didn't realize I was 'that girl's' mom and I was eavesdropping. I giggled to myself.) The lady who sat on the other side of me spent the whole lesson complaining about her husband. I felt like standing on the bench and saying "Listen parents.....if you can't say anything nice......" So one more lesson for Hayley and then she's in the red cross program. I'm glad she can jump off the diving board and get back to the edge now. A little less stressful. Abby starts the preschool swim lessons in May.

We are getting very very excited for our trip to Florida. We leave in 2 sleeps!!! Steve is tired and ready to relax. I'm ready to shop shop and shop and swim and tan!!!!

Well I will leave you with a video of the girls singing (Kylie is actually saying 'cheeeeeeese' because she thinks I am taking her picture). The picture is Abby at supper last night. She fell asleep at 5:30, woke up for about 30 minutes at 8:30, and then went back to sleep for the night!! She must've been worn right out.

Have a very pleasant end of the month!!!!! Imagine.....spring is only 50 days away!!! Then it's birthday central. Hayley-5 in March, Abby-3 in April, Kylie-2 in June!!!

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