Thursday, April 16, 2009

Campbell's Chaotic Adventures

What a day. I need to be doing some school work right now, sounds like the kids are sleeping, but I am pooped right out.

Steve is working nights, as I may have mentioned earlier, and it is pretty rough on him. He is looking pretty tired these days. He comes home to deliver our day's supply of water, then heads back in to sleep at grandpa and grandma where it is nice and quiet, and then gets up and does it all again. I can't wait until this is over. I have the easy end of the deal, but I sure miss his help at bedtime, and feel like I hardly get to see him.

So last night Steve was taking the meeting and I was leading the singing since D&C were on holidays, and for some reason my 2 oldest children decided it would be the rare meeting where they DESPERATLY (according to them) needed to pee. So they choose the bathroom where the absolutely MASSIVE dog is being held hostage. He sees his opportunity and BOUNDS into the meeting room. Now this dog is easily Abby's height. It is an old english sheep dog, and he is very happy to be set free and see all these people. So he tries to knock over the poor girl giving her testimony, everyone gets the giggles, Hayley comes back bawling because it scared her, and Abby refuses to come out of the bathroom until I come get her! ARGH!!!! I have never been so embarassed.

I had my monthly doctor's appointment today and he's all confident that we're having another GIRL! This is all based on the baby's heart rate. I have a doctor who is fond of old wives tales, but he was right on when he guessed Hayley so I was a bit bummed out. 4 girls would be great but I was kinda hoping for a change of scenery (escape from all the pink). But we'll wait and have that confirmed later. On the happy side of things, at 18 weeks I haven't gained any weight!! This is great when I'm used to packing on 60 pounds or so in the last 3 experiences. I'm just waiting for the explosion to hit. I don't know how a person can eat 50,000 calories a day and not gain a pound or two :)

Then we finally came home for a few hours and had to take Charlie in for his shots. That was choatic in itself because I had all 3 girls, Steve of course was sleeping, and they were cranky because it was bedtime. We get on our way home, after I forgot to pay the vet because I just wanted out of there, and Hayley is screaming that she has to pee RIGHT NOW! Or she is going to wet herself. So I pull into Tim Hortons, drag everyone ot the bathroom, feel obligated to buy a few timbits, and then struggle to get everyone back into the van without Charlie escaping. Wait a minute.....where's Kylie???? Oh there she is.....she's standing in the drive through line up!!!!

So you tell me......WHY AM I HAVING 4 KIDS??? I can hardly manage the ones I've got. Kylie is the equivalent of about 15 kids! Thank goodness I'm blond or I would be completely gray!!

Happy days to you all. I saw buds on the trees today and that made me very happy. I am so excited for summer. Steve is getting some money back from the government (until they audit us like they do every year and steal it all back) so we might be able to get some insulation into the ceiling and warm the house up, fix the eaves, soffit and fascia that are literally falling to pieces, and install a rain barrel to water my upcoming garden!

I am also thrilled that we will be finishing our fire pit this spring. You know...I may have an old house that needs lots of work and more bedrooms, but for the first time I finally feel like I could live here for a long while. I just love our little bit of land. For those who know me this is quite a shock. I do get restless and like to move several times a year:)

Well I will let you go and leave you with a few photos.

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