Friday, May 28, 2010


So life has been so busy that I have not even had time to apply for a job. This weekend's treat: a wedding and a funeral. So we will go to the funeral, run to the other side of town to drop our children off, run to another side of town for a wedding, run back to get our little people.... AHHHH!!!! The stress of it all.

I NEED A HOLIDAY!!!!!!! Alas, the bank has said no - you will stay home this year so you can put your 6 year old in piano and your 4 year old in preschool. I tried to talk the old man into NOT putting Abby in preschool this year, but he says what 1 gets they all get, so I guess in the face of fairness, I will put her in preschool. Bring on the fundraising and volunteering. YUCK!

I have been neglecting my post because my weight it NOT comming off. I am so extremely frustrated. I can gorge myself or starve myself and there is no movement on the scales. I am hoping after the medical issues with the ol colon are resolved, the weight will come off easier. I have an ultrasound on Monday. Wonder what the consensus will be.

Check out what I got at the dollar store the other day. How cute it this??? For 2$!!!!

This week is dedication to Chelsea. She is learning so much and I just hate how fast she is growing up. Makes me sad. I love each and every stage but that first year is so special, and my last baby will only be there for 4 more months. Things she has learned this month:

- to move her feet one in front of the other when you hold onto her hands
- to wave (her first 'baby sign'! Working on 'more' and 'eat' now)
- to get up on her knees
- to roll from back to front (okay this is long overdue but Abby didn't roll until 8 months either and was walking at 11 months, so no worries there)

She still has a major anxiety attack when anyone holds her. This is getting really really old, but is secretly okay because I just want to snuggle and soak up as much as I can. Soon she will be running away from me. She is fat and bald and so beautiful. She still refuses most baby foods so it eating baby cereal and table foods. Last night she tried feeding herself and sitting in her high chair for the first time. Yes....these little milestones are just as exciting the 4th time as they were the 1st. Here are some pictures of this week's featured child.

Next week's child : Kylie Rachelle

Oh....we are also still accepting donations for the "Help Steve and Jen raise farm girls" fund. We are about $355,000 short. :)

Love you all,

Jen and Steve and Hayley and Abby and Kylie and Chelsea and Charlie....I would add Buckley but he would just chew up the computer. If he chews 1 more thing, like he did the girl's blow up waterslide, he is going to suffer from lead bulletitis. Yes Steve....I know where your gun and bullets are. I may not know how to use it, but there is a fluffy piece of target practice in the front yard.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Prune juice and laxatives

The prune juice and the laxatives are in the process of waging a full out war in the depths of my colon, but alas we don't have a winner yet. Will it be Brutus blockage or Prunella laxaday? We're cheering for Prunella, but hoping she waits for the end of the day as I have 7 little peanuts here today, and then soccer tonight. There is no toilet at the soccer field. This could prove to be an interesting experience.

We had Abby's birthday party yesterday with her friend Ashley, and it went surprisingly well. The hostess was amazing and kept all 10 kids entertained and fed etc... Glad we did it at let's play and not one of our houses. I got to come home to a clean house.

We get to have the workers for supper on Sunday! A nice treat since we did already have them for our 3 nights. They are hoping Steve's contact will join us in the event he had any additional questions. Hard to believe we only have 3 meetings left. Then it's preps and convention. Already the summer is going too fast!!!!!!

Well I don't know much else. Will update on Monday with my weight results. Lets hope Brutus has been evicted and I've lost 10 pounds!!!!


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mom's day and all that

The yummy coffee treat I made for Steve and I

Natalie and Chelsea playing together

Cute grin

This doesn't look like broken bones waiting to happen at all!!!!

My breakfast in bed


I have the world's greatest mother, sorry to say, but I'm sure your mother is wonderful too! Heehee. My daughter made a portrait of me at school and the teacher framed it. I am wearing a dress, which is nice since some days I never get out of my pajamas, so it's good she's portrays me as dressed. However, I have an exceptionally long neck. It was so cute I had to hang it on my wall and can't wait for the next 3 portraits to come in the next 5 years. She also made me breakfast in bed. I got a little tart cup full of chocolate chips, a yogurt, and a chocolate chip cookie. I also decided I drink way too much vanilla roiboos tea, as she had it made perfectly. Boiled the jug, put in the tea bag with some stevia and milk and then poured the water on top. ahhhh.....

So we've been having a blast with this budget thing, although we seem to spend an awful lot on food!! I managed to stay under budget even adding in a booster seat for Abby that wasn't totally planned on. I was so proud. This food now has to last us the next 2 weeks. Think we can do it????? I supposed it will work if I put a lock on the fridge so I can supervise breakfast time AND sleep in.

So here is the weigh in:
Current weight: 168.4! A loss of 2 pounds. Pretty sure I blew it tonight with the papa Murphies pizza and 2 starbucks coffees, but we'll see next week.

Goal: 155.

Weight left to lose by June 30th: 13.4 pounds.

Anyone out there competing with me? It'd sure help.

Well my darlings, I am off to bed as tomorrow is an EXTREMELY busy day. Have to run pick up convention dresses for Chelsea and Kylie before they are all sold out, playgroup, dr. appointments, and a date with my sweet friend Charlene (She has 4 boys so we validate each other on why we wouldn't want the opposite sex!). Tuesday and Thursday nights: Soccer. Wednesday: Abby's birthday and meeting at our place.

Somewhere in there I have to apply for a job. Anyone looking for a transcriptionist? Got 90% on the practicum and 97% on my pre-employment exam. Yae me!!

Love you all. Take care.
Jen and her lovebugs.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Country living

Ahhhh....the smell of rain, the brisk morning air, the big yellow bus bumbling down the road. I LOVE living in the country. Where the neighborhood dogs come to wait with the kids for the bus and the horses come up to the fence. Where I can sit in my backyard around a fire and talk with my husband without the neighbores hearing. Where I can let the kids play outside in the front or back yard and not worry about them. Ahhhh.....I envy my sister with her upcoming brand new house and all, but I will never by choice leave my place in the country. I will suffer with the ants and sand and endless renovations and yard work.....for the love of the land. I am so thankful for my home and my family and all the privilages I have.

An update on the guy from Steve's work who comes to meeting with him.....he came again so that's wonderful. Too bad we only have 4 meetings left, but he knows about convention, perhaps he will come. His comment to Steve after this week...."You're kids are perfect!" HAhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha and I am STILL laughing. I told him he would have to come over some evening for a dose of the truth!! Every time he has been there, all 4 have fallen asleep.

I am trying 2 new things this month, so you are welcome to follow my progress if you are at all interested.

1. I have written out a budget. I am DETERMINED to have money left over at the end of the month. So far, on day 3, we have stuck to it. HA!
2. I am going to lose 10-15 pounds by convention. So because there is no room in the budget for weight watchers, I am going to broadcast my weight and that will be plenty of motivation to lose. I have 2 months to succceed.

Weight today: 170.4
Goal: 155

Well here it is 8:00, Hayley is at school hopefully since it started 5 minutes ago, Abby is playing with a frisbee???, Kylie and Chelsea are still sleeping, and I need to get dressed for playgroup.

Until next week....