Monday, May 3, 2010

Country living

Ahhhh....the smell of rain, the brisk morning air, the big yellow bus bumbling down the road. I LOVE living in the country. Where the neighborhood dogs come to wait with the kids for the bus and the horses come up to the fence. Where I can sit in my backyard around a fire and talk with my husband without the neighbores hearing. Where I can let the kids play outside in the front or back yard and not worry about them. Ahhhh.....I envy my sister with her upcoming brand new house and all, but I will never by choice leave my place in the country. I will suffer with the ants and sand and endless renovations and yard work.....for the love of the land. I am so thankful for my home and my family and all the privilages I have.

An update on the guy from Steve's work who comes to meeting with him.....he came again so that's wonderful. Too bad we only have 4 meetings left, but he knows about convention, perhaps he will come. His comment to Steve after this week...."You're kids are perfect!" HAhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha and I am STILL laughing. I told him he would have to come over some evening for a dose of the truth!! Every time he has been there, all 4 have fallen asleep.

I am trying 2 new things this month, so you are welcome to follow my progress if you are at all interested.

1. I have written out a budget. I am DETERMINED to have money left over at the end of the month. So far, on day 3, we have stuck to it. HA!
2. I am going to lose 10-15 pounds by convention. So because there is no room in the budget for weight watchers, I am going to broadcast my weight and that will be plenty of motivation to lose. I have 2 months to succceed.

Weight today: 170.4
Goal: 155

Well here it is 8:00, Hayley is at school hopefully since it started 5 minutes ago, Abby is playing with a frisbee???, Kylie and Chelsea are still sleeping, and I need to get dressed for playgroup.

Until next week....

1 comment:

  1. You are a brave one to post your weight. At least we'll get a blog writing more often. Love to read them. Mom
