Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mom's day and all that

The yummy coffee treat I made for Steve and I

Natalie and Chelsea playing together

Cute grin

This doesn't look like broken bones waiting to happen at all!!!!

My breakfast in bed


I have the world's greatest mother, sorry to say, but I'm sure your mother is wonderful too! Heehee. My daughter made a portrait of me at school and the teacher framed it. I am wearing a dress, which is nice since some days I never get out of my pajamas, so it's good she's portrays me as dressed. However, I have an exceptionally long neck. It was so cute I had to hang it on my wall and can't wait for the next 3 portraits to come in the next 5 years. She also made me breakfast in bed. I got a little tart cup full of chocolate chips, a yogurt, and a chocolate chip cookie. I also decided I drink way too much vanilla roiboos tea, as she had it made perfectly. Boiled the jug, put in the tea bag with some stevia and milk and then poured the water on top. ahhhh.....

So we've been having a blast with this budget thing, although we seem to spend an awful lot on food!! I managed to stay under budget even adding in a booster seat for Abby that wasn't totally planned on. I was so proud. This food now has to last us the next 2 weeks. Think we can do it????? I supposed it will work if I put a lock on the fridge so I can supervise breakfast time AND sleep in.

So here is the weigh in:
Current weight: 168.4! A loss of 2 pounds. Pretty sure I blew it tonight with the papa Murphies pizza and 2 starbucks coffees, but we'll see next week.

Goal: 155.

Weight left to lose by June 30th: 13.4 pounds.

Anyone out there competing with me? It'd sure help.

Well my darlings, I am off to bed as tomorrow is an EXTREMELY busy day. Have to run pick up convention dresses for Chelsea and Kylie before they are all sold out, playgroup, dr. appointments, and a date with my sweet friend Charlene (She has 4 boys so we validate each other on why we wouldn't want the opposite sex!). Tuesday and Thursday nights: Soccer. Wednesday: Abby's birthday and meeting at our place.

Somewhere in there I have to apply for a job. Anyone looking for a transcriptionist? Got 90% on the practicum and 97% on my pre-employment exam. Yae me!!

Love you all. Take care.
Jen and her lovebugs.


  1. Congrats on the weight loss! I think I need to join the competition. Hayley's pic is so cute. Love the pics of the kids. Yes....broken leg here we come!

  2. yea you.
    Just remember me sometime with that Starbucks, eh?!
