Saturday, June 19, 2010

Abby Makayla Campbell

My dear sweet Abby. I actually had to look up how to spell her middle name because it is so rarely used. I call her abigail or Abigail Josephine (don't ask....I have no idea where it came from but it stuck). This is our intellectual child. She can tell you the month and day of her birthday and her sisters' birthdays when her OLDER sister doesn't even know the day of her own birthday. Things just come easy to Abby. She is adamant that she is going to be a doctor when she grows up, and it wouldn't surprise me. However, the other day she said she was going to have 10 kids and be a mom and then she was disappointed that she couldn't marry her dad because "Mom already married him," and now she just wants to live at home forever. Oh boy!!!

My prediction??? Abby is a mother through and through. She reminds me so much of myself that it is almost scary. She is very emotional and sensitive and over-reacts to everything. This is not going to be to her benefit as a teenager and I worry most about my Abby. She loves so deep and is hurt so easy. That being said, she has an inner strength that comes through at the most interesting times and assures me she will be just fine. For example when we went to soccer the first day and Hayley cried when I left her on her field and yet when I dropped Abby off (the one I thought would cling and cry and beg me to stay and watch) I said " Abby I just have to drop Hayley off and I'll come back" and she said "OK. Bye mom." So.....Abby will be fine. I've also witnessed her playing with her "confident leader-type friends" and she does not let them walk all over her.
Abby is finally beginning to overcome her bedwetting and is very mature and determined about it. After soccer everyone got pop, chips, and a freezie. She told them she didn't want the pop and then whispers "Because it'll make me pee the bed." She hasn't quite broken the lip biting habit, but with Abby, when she wants to stop that she will. She is a very determined little girl and we love that about her.

Abby is gorgeous both inside and out. Here's our Abster.

So we have had a very busy weekend. We started out by attempting to tent which the kids enjoyed and they all fell asleep fine. Steve and I discussed life around the campfire and then headed into the tent, at which time the neighbor's dog started barking and didn't stop ALL NIGHT LONG!!! At one point I rolled over and whispered "what time is it?" Thinking maybe midnight. It was 3:30 in the morning and we hadn't been asleep yet. UGH!

Then in the morning we went to preps. Another wonderful turnout. I got to have 7 kids with me on and off during the morning which was good. Just give em all a bucket and some supplies and trudge around the yard. Then we came home to cut down some trees but it was too hot so after cutting 1 down and having a marshmellow picnic in the yard we took our recycling in.

Got 45$ in recycling money that we used to take Kylie out for her birthday supper. They sang a really loud crazy song to her and the look on her face was HILLARIOUS!! She didn't know what to do or what was going on. It was so sweet. Then we went to Chapters and let them pull all the books off the shelf, and now we're all ready for bed.
Happy father's day tomorrow. I have a dad who's pretty well the best one ever. He's always been supportive of all my crazy ideas and I love him very much. My daughters also have this generation's greatest father. They are so lucky to have him. He's amazing.
Love to you are pics of our crazy busy weekend.

The Campbell 6 :)


  1. Thanks for sharing, Jen. I think you are right about Abby being like you and yet she looks so much like Steve. When you say all these lovely things about your girls, I want to say "They are like their grandparents!!" Luv M&D

  2. your abby is such a sweetheart!!
