Thursday, June 10, 2010

Kylie Rachelle Campbell

Whew....I just finished an amzing cardio workout. I had so much fun that I want to do ti again right away. The sweat was dripping down my face and back. It was great. Will have to actually stick to it this time. If I get 4 or 5 different routines maybe I won't get bored. One of the exercises is like football players when they sort of squat and then sprint in place. WOW!! My stomach and bum are going to jsut shake right off I think. Almost throws me off balance all the jigling.

So enough about me....lets talk weather. WHAT"S WITH ALL THE RAIN??!?!!! Stop it already. I need the sun to brighten me up. Everyone is commenting on how BLAH they feel these days with the damp cold weather. I don't think we will EVER get summer. Anyhow, as long as it is mild and NOT WET for convention I will be very happy. Remember weather man..... I have to tent!!!

Well here is the feature child of the week. All about Kylie (Australian for pretty) Rachelle (an aunt with that middle name and mom's closest friend named Rachel)

Kylie - easy to love and more trouble than all 3 other sister combined. She turns the big 3 this month!!!! She told the coach at soccer she was 4 and since she is as big as the 4 year olds, she got to join in!!!

Kylie loves everyone and everything. If you need a hug....kylie is there. If you need ANYTHING she will make sure you have it. The other day we had a busy day and I said "I am just going to lay down on the couch for 10 minutes and then I will get up and get supper." so Kylie ran up to her room and got me her favorite blanket and tucked it up around my shoulders.

Kylie is the one we have always called "simple" much to the dismay of her father and grandparents. However, in one sense it is true. The simplest things will make her smile and giggle and she is very happy with a simple life. Kylie is our "caregiver".

I now refer to her as The Specialist. It won't be long and we will have been to every single specialist possible!!! I wonder....did it all being with the infected belly button a few weeks after birth? Anyhow, first we went to the Pediatric Ophthalmology surgeon (kids eye surgeon) for her droppy eye. We started at the Stollery when she was a year old. We went every 4 months or so to have her eyes tested. That doc moved away and we went to a new one who immediately said (and we should have gone to him in the first place) "come back when she is 4.5 and we will fix her eyelid. Then he commented on mine and said it should be re-done. Wonder if they haev a 2 for 1 deal!!!

Next we were off to the audiologist to test her hearing. The verdict - mild hearing loss more prominent in the left ear. Both ear drums 'dull' or not as responsive as they should be. Now.....was this due to a cold? or is this why her speech seems odd and delayed? So now we are referred to a pediatric ENT (ear, nose, and throat) specialist for more testing. I would assume they are the ones who would put tubes in if she has fluid behind her ears.

We are also waiting for a speech assessment and that should be any time now. Oh are a mess. But a lovable one. Now.....quit fighting with you sisters!!! You know you always win!


  1. just now getting around to catching up on my blogs that I follow...I have to say that I've always LOVED Kylie's name :o) She's so sweet...what a great idea to write about each one of them!!!

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