Friday, August 6, 2010

How many days until school starts??

Hayley has been asking me this every day for a month and now I am starting to ask too!! We went to Costco today in the 28 degree heat with no air conditioning in the van and the kids did so good (with the exception of everyone having to pee 3 seconds after I had started shopping) and then we went to superstore to get what we couldn't get at costco and they were WIRED!!! YIKES!! And of course had to pee 3 seconds after I started shopping. It was a long day for everyone. I think 3 is easy to shop with. 4 is not. So I guess my summer shopping will have to be done in the evening when Steve is home.

Chelsea has developed an ear shattering scream when things don't go her way, and so when Kylie took a bite of her cookie in the grocery store, I thought all the pickles would splatter all over the floor after the glass was done shattering. Time for spankings. She DEFINATELY knows what is acceptable and what is not if she's asserting herself now.

Another brief complaint. I got asked 9 times if all the girls were mine (no I jsut take random people's kids grocery shopping!) and then someone said (or two or 3 people said) "Oh 3 girls and a boy?" and I ever so patiently grit my teeth and say "Nope. 4 girls." Well this one lady says "Even this one?" pointing to KYLIE who was wearing a green, blue, and PINK DRESS!!!! " No you dumb lady. I just dress my boy up like a girl. And don't get me started on the number of people who, once they know I have 4 girls, say "oh you poor lady." WHAT??!?!! Next time I am going to ask what they have for kids and then express my sympathy to THEM and see how they react. One lady said she had 3 girls but then finally got her boy. I should have said "Oh that's too bad. Couldn't keep a good thing going huh?" (Nothing against boys I would be just as frustrated if I had 4 boys and people made dumb comments!)

Okay so there is my rant. I also got thinking in the store that I wished I had perfectly well behaved kids who walked slowly and calmly and always listened but I quickly squashed that thought. I've known some perfect children and they are never happy. It's like they don't even know how to be a child and they're socially completely lost because they've been taught to act like an adult from birth. At least when my kids are giggly and hyper and running around I can rest assured that they are enjoying their childhood. There is a difference between good behavior and perfectly behaved. I ache for the perfectly behaved children of the world and am thankful for (mostly) well behaved.

Time to get supper on. A beautifully seasoned pork loin, corn on the cob and....something else but don't know what. Maybe broccoli. Another very hot day today. Hoping for a cooling thunderstorm tonight.

Love you all who take time to listen to me complain!! :)

The luckiest wife/mom in the world.

1 comment:

  1. We love reading your blogs. Keep them coming. Going shopping with four would be hard. Keep smiling. Mom and Dad
