Thursday, August 26, 2010

What to do....what to do....what would YOU do?

Here is a little video of Chelsea WALKING!! Please excuse Abby whining in the background. It had been a very long day and she was DONE! This was a few days ago and now she can do about 6 steps in a row before she falls over. I have loved the baby stage and get very sad when I wash and prepare the baby things to sell but I am looking forward to having older kids too....I guess. Holidays will be more fun that's for sure, but Chelsea is a little snuggler and I will miss that.

Here's a picture of my chunky muffin.

So Steve told me the other day that his boss bid on a job out in Fort Mac (fort mcmurray). If you look on a map, this is literally the end of the world. The road ends there. You can't go any further North (on that highway anyhow). He is wondering if Steve wants to run the job. That means moving there. Today he tells me they are one step closer to getting the job so we need to seriously consider what we want to do. There are a lot of financial perks, so I either uproot the kids and go with him or stay here and only see Steve weekends and holidays. Here is my little list of pros and cons. Perhaps you could add to it.


1. IF I move there with Steve we have no living expenses for a year plus a bonus (this means selling or renting out our house in the interim). This would eradicate our debt and leave a little to splurge on a holiday perhaps.

2. If I stay here there is still a good bonus involved but the kids get to keep their routine.


1. If I move there with Steve I am uprooting the kids from their lives and activities. Ex: Abby would miss starting kindergarten with the kids she met in preschool (remember this is important as Abby is very shy) and Kylie would miss out on preschool all together. I would home school Hayley for the year.

2. If I stay here I am basically a single parent for a year (granted any time we are apart from Steve it means school is on and we will keep very busy anyhow) and we still have to pay our mortgage. you see the sides are pretty even. I do like the idea of being totally debt free with only our mortgage as debt.....HELP!!!!!!

Well that's really all that's new in our lives right now. Tonight the dirt guy is coming to level the area where we ripped out some tree and we are going to put wood chips down so it should be looking snazzy around the firepit area soon. I will attach some before and after pictures next blogging session.

Wish we could be in Florida with mom and dad and the other Campbells, but alas we are not so I am just soaking up these cool evening and looking forward to fall. We decided to go to Kananaskis after all so that's something else to look forward to.

Love you all!!

Jen and family


  1. Very hard decision to make but one thing to remember is that kids are adaptable. Wish you were all here too. Loves to all Mom

  2. Definitely move... no reason to homeschool, it would be good for Abby to get away from her comfort zone, it's only a year, and you don't want Steve driving that hwy all the time when he's tired between Fort Mac and Edmonton... the deadliest hwy around. Treat it like an adventure... the kids will love it.
