Friday, September 17, 2010


So, my baby girl is 1. Sigh....this is a not so happy occasion for me. It means no more babies in my world. On one hand it is so nice to be moving on to the next stage. On the other stinks!!!! I have loved every minute, even the not so great ones, of babyhood. We are selling all our baby stuff at Jess's baby sale today. Have to admit to a few tears as I priced things and packed them up. Chelsea thought all these old toys in the living room were pretty great.
Chelsea's accomplishments in a year:
She can walk, babbles on the phone all the time, screams when she is mad at her sisters, loves food (but then again who doesn't), loves her mom lots (a little too much sometimes) and is overall a pretty precious little princess.

Here's some pictures of her with a few of her birthday gifts. Will post some pictures of the party later. We're doing cake at grandma's on Sunday and then a party with other 1 year old friends Kiera and Tahlia on the 28th.

So here's the next great stage of toddler, preschoolers and schoolers
Love Jen

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