Thursday, September 9, 2010

So much to say about nothing!

Today was a beautiful day! Fall is in the air and I love love love love love it!!! I don't know if I could live in a world without fall. The trees are gorgeous as they change color and die. There is a little spiritual thought for you. The beauty in dying. I just love to stand outside when all is peaceful calm and still and look at the beautiful colors and breath in the crisp night air....ahhhh....

Hey we are not going to Fort Mac! Not right now anyhow. I have to admit I am slightly disappointed. I was looking forward to the debt relief, but alas it was not to be so we just go on about our lives. I need to get applying for more work. Maybe stop being so picky or something.

So last night Steve came home from work sick!!! EEEKS!!! of all the days of course it was the day we have meeting at our place so that left me cleaning the garage too as people come in the back door and Steve usually does that. I was totally worn out last night from our holiday sick and then getting the house ready for meeting and then looking after sick people for the last 3 days. My poor man threw up all meeting and still today went in to work late and isn't feeling good. He never throws up so he must be feeling terrible. Kylie had a relapse tonight now has a fever as well. Sigh....this thing seems to be mutating and getting worse as it goes. It terrifies me, as there is noone left to look after "mom" when she gets sick and I am the only one who hasn't had it. I guess if I get it it's either suck it up or let the kids have free reign.

Today one of the young kids, Kandis, took Ashley and Abby to Chuckie cheese! She is so brave. She is not in very good health and in fact has a broken foot with torn ligaments and yet she's just always smiling. Abby had a great time. So since it was special mom and Kylie day (and our little Chelsea of course) I asked Kylie what she wanted to do. I suggested we go to Chapters and read books. She said "no. go to a mall." I said "I can't buy anything. You still want to go to the mall?" and she said "yah. Walk a mall." So walk a mall we did! I think that is what wore her out and back into sickness. Anyhow, I did find a cute winter snowsuit for Chelsea finally. Had no hand me downs that fit her. Then Kylie got a cheap but super cute outfit. Hence the reason I never go shopping anymore. I always spend money! We watched the sea lions and the people swimming at the waterpark. It was fun hanging out with just 2 kids!!!

Hayley started piano on Tuesday and she thinks it is the greatest thing ever. She has homework 5 days a week which I think is rotten and will be worse if she gets school homework on top of that, but as long as she likes it I guess I should encourage it. It is a program called "Music for young children" and it is 1 hour group lessons once a week. I really like the program layout and think she'll learn lots. They start with learning the black keys which I find super interesting.

Well here is our shopping purchases. Time for bed. Steve is inside now. Had to clean out his van since the project manager is coming to Camrose with him tomorrow and I don't think he'd cleaned in out in the 6 years he'd had it. :) Busy weekend ahead. I babysit 4 extras on Saturday.

Love you all so much. Happy happy fall days to you.

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