Monday, October 25, 2010

Let it snow let it snow let it snow....

Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is sooooo delightful (or something like that. I forget the words.) It is snowing!!! 2 days after Steve got the rink all set up so it was perfect timing. The kids are excited to go skating and tobogganing. We have the fireplace on pretty well all day and night now because we LOVE the coziness of the fire and well....we're cheap and it keeps the furnace off.

I'm most excited for Christmas time! Almost have my shopping all done. Just Kylie and Chelsea left now. We listen to Christmas carols in the van (yes I will be sick of them I'm sure by NOVEMBER 25th). We're having Glen and Jess and kids over for a cozy day of eating and game playing. Will see if grandma wants to join us for an early meal.
Look at how Chelsea fell asleep. She really is sound asleep. Snoring and everything. My little baby is getting better in some ways and worse in others when it comes to her attachement issues. She is now getting a wee bit shy with her daddy which is not good!!! However, I can put her on the floor in a crowd of people, and as long as nobody touches her she's fine. At least I don't have to hold her all the time. She's learning a few signs like milk, and when I say "p.u. you stink." she pinches her nose. Cute. Love all my girls to bits.

Here are the preschool pictures I ordered of Abby. I was looking at Abby's baby pictures as I work on her pregnancy - kindergarten scrapbook and her and Chelsea are identical!! I am learning they are also very very similar in personality. So this should be interesting. We have 2 fairly easy going kids and 2 very shy and sensitive kids! Hmm.... Abby starts swimming lessons tomorrow. This will be the 3rd time we've done this level. The first time Abby wouldn't put her face in the water, and the second time the teacher didn't get through the list of stuff to do in time and so failed everyone. I was not impressed. So we're back to the trileisure center and we'll see how it goes. Kylie starts next Monday. Only 1 more week until the most insanely busy month of the year. Sigh....

I didn't order very many of these. They were way too expensive. Hayley's school picture proofs should come in a few weeks.
I think Steve is a little more stressed about his job than he lets on. He dreams about it every night so it must be on his subconscious somewhere. He even asks me questions when he's half asleep like I'm one of the guys on site. It's so funny. I just give some answer that sounds like I AM one of the guys. Heehee. Oh well.....he loves that the project is something other than relacing windows!!! This is what he wants to do all the time I think. Brand new commercial construction. It'll be an interesting winter. As long as there are trades on site he'll be outside. Otherwise he's in his little tin shack trying to keep warm.
Well I think everyone is waking up so I better go! Happy days everyone. Keep warm.

1 comment:

  1. Cute photos of Chelsea and Abby- I love the one in the red cap and gown- can we please have one of those??? I have her on my desktop right now!! Luv Mum
