Thursday, September 22, 2011

My little Athlete

I am ashamed to admit that I have judged before I have witnessed. When you watch my daughter run, you would think she is trying to ice skate. Her feet go way out and I about die laughing. I know....terrible mother. So when she joined the cross-country team last year we didn't sign up for any races. This year I thought...whatever. We'll do 3 of the 5 and if she comes in last every be it. So today was her first race. Rough terrain too!! But she did AMAZING!!!! She was all red and sweaty and about hyperventilating, but she came in right with the majority of her age group and she loved it! Good for you Hayley!!!! It was 800m. Next year I think she has to run the full km.

Here is her before the race. We had to walk a few km's in to her start point so she was tired already. Oh to a good start.

But she was so proud of herself in the end. And so she should be!! WOOO HOOOO.
So my camera focused on a big fat man that I cut out of the picture but there she comes in her red vest.

About ready to drop. Anyhow, this is all of parkland county. I would say there is about 50 in her age group and she was about 24th so not too shabby at all. So many of them came in all at once that they had to line up so they could record who was in what place. This mom thinks there was probably some ties :)

Okay well next post......CHELSEA'S BIRTHDAY PARTY!! My husband is upstairs filling up baloons and sucking on helium so I better go stop him ;)

Love Jen


  1. You go Hayley. Great job! Loves you...

  2. Good on you, Hayley. Wish I could have been there to cheer you on. Luv Gramma
