Thursday, September 1, 2011

Skool dayz

So yesterday I had to sent my firstborn off to grade 2, and today I released my second child into school's evil clutches. *sniff sniff* I did very very well until the end of our 'put your supplies away scavenger hunt.' It said:

#8. Mary had a little lamb who followed her to school. Put your scissors in the house YOU are ready for school.

Your work here, mom/dad, is done and now it's time for your child to have some fun. Time to say goodbye.

Now THAT was a wake up call. I don't want my work to be done. I want Abby to come home and entertain Kylie who apparently doesn't like to play on her own (we had a looonnngggg day). But Abby was still smiling so I left her doing puzzels.

We started our day with some ABC pancakes

Got lunches packed, hair done, and backpacks ready to go.

Hayley is going to be great at looking after Abby. She has a big sister independence that Abby doesn't quite have yet but I'm sure she will when it's time for Kylie to go to school (is that next year already??!!!!)

The mist hanging in the air this morning. It was FREEZING this morning. Literally. It was -1 and Abby insisted on leaving a half hour before the bus was to come.

Hayley before Grade 2

Abby on her first day of school

The helpful big sister showing her the ropes.

Running to the bus stop.

And there she goes :(

Taken on my iphone so not real clear. This is Abby in her new classroom.

So now that Kylie has been asking when Abby is coming home for the last 5 hours, I guess we will get Chelsea up from her nap and think about heading to the neighbor's house and waiting for the bus. I wish now even more that Abby and Kylie went to school on the same day. I am going to go absolutely nuts this year just to warn you. November might not be so bad running to swimming every day. At least we will get Kylie out of the house. Might have to try some library programs or something in the new year too.

Happy skool dayz everyone.

Love Jen


  1. Thanks for posting all the pictures! Love them! Kylie will be fine I'm sure once she has adjusted and gets more attention from Mom!

  2. Have been wondering how the first day at school went- can feel your aprehension, Jen. It brings back lots of memories. Kylie will adjust but for now the days will be long. keep your chin up, Jen!! You are a great Mum!! Luv Ross and JoAnne
